Chap|25 Do you trust me?

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I would love to thank all of you guys for all of the amazing support on this book. The amount of reads and votes have been so awesome!.. So thank you all so much I really do appreciate it😭💘



We had just walked into our large quiet house after dropping Ro off with Camila's parents for the night. And here I am still begging Camila to talk to me while she's ignoring my ass.

"Camila baby, please. You've been ignoring me the whole time we were in the mall and on the way home. Just hear me out."

"No there's nothing else for you to say Y/N."

"You don't even know exactly what happened at the mall."

"I know enough." She spoke without even looking at me. I sighed as I followed her through the house and into the large kitchen.

"Ok first, why don't you stop walking away from me." I said grabbing her ahold of her arm.

"Y/N. Why can't you just see that I want you to leave me alone right now."

I've been begging her to talk to me ever since we left the damn toy store. And guess what I got... nothing. I got absolutely nothing out of her, and now all I'm getting is this shitty ass attitude. I mean damn I know what I did, but she don't for real.

I smacked my lips as I just stood there looking down at her.

"What?" I shrugged

"Why you gotta act like this. We just got back on track from the other night and we already fighting again. That shit wild." I said while shaking my head.

"Yeah it is, but whose fault is it that we're like this Y/N?" She said in a monotone voice

I chuckled. "Oh right, this is all on me huh? Because you won't talk to me and listen it's all my fault right?"

She just shrugged and turned away from me.

"Wow ok. I see how it is, you don't trust me and that's my fault." I said sarcastically

"Y/N don't try and turn this around on me. You are the one who's to blame." She yelled while pointing her finger at my chest.

"Whatever man." I rubbed my hand over my face stressfully. I honestly didn't even know what to say at this point. Deep down I knew I was wrong for doing what I did. And I know that I've been on one lately, but I just feel like she never gives me a break.

I felt a soft hand come in contact with my lower back. "Y/N." I heard Camila's soft voice, I looked back over my shoulder to see her with tears falling down her face. "I'm sorry baby, I'm really sorry."

I sighed as I turned around quickly feeling the heat from her body meet mine. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I don't know why I'm being this way." She continued cry into my chest. Her sobbing only getting louder.

"Mila, babe calm down." I said softly while rubbing up and down her back.

"I-I can't be-because I keep being so mean to you a-and I-"

"Camila its alright I promise you. Your still going through some things and I understand that all of this is probably hard for you to deal with at once. But we can't just keep fighting and arguing all the time. We need to find a different way to solve our problems because this is not the way."

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