Chap|33 Still Hurting

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Two months later..

"Camila please stop ignoring my calls. I promise you this is all one big misunderstanding, and if you would just let me explain-" Beep!

"Camila baby come on please! I'm sorry. For whatever it is you think that I did, but I can promise you that I didn't cheat! And I never would. I love you." Beep!

"Cami I love you, just know that. A-and Royalty, Ro- she misses you a lot. So please just talk to me. Please..."


Those where just some of the messages that Y/N had left on my phone over the days. Well the first couple of days when I first left. Because now we don't even talk, I don't know how to feel honestly. I guess I just feel numb now.

I'm so confused on how to feel. Like should I be sad or pissed. Or maybe I don't even have a right to be mad after the way I left her. But then again she's the one who made those promises to me, that we were going to be ok, and to not dwell on the past. Yet look at where we are now.

I really don't want to see her right now, so after everything went down I left to my old condo. I'm pretty sure she knows where I am, but she hasn't bothered to come by yet. I have to admit I do miss her company, but I miss my daughter even more. I just can't handle the hurt of seeing her now. So after I left her and Lauren that day I didn't bring Royalty back until the next day and quickly dropped her off.

Seeing Y/N with Lauren just-I don't know maybe I should've expected this. From Lauren anyway, never would have expected this from Y/N. I trusted her with my heart, and she just keeps stomping all over it.

I'm really starting to think that this "relationship" that Y/N and I call ourselves getting back into was just foolish. It was too soon for all of this, I mean we had just reunited and all the feelings where getting in the way. And that's all we payed attention to. We didn't bother to take our time with things, instead we jumped into things way to fast and look at where that's got us.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone with my head down in my arms.

"Camila, good I finally got you. I need you to come into the studio as soon as possible." It was my manager Roger.

"Uh Roger, how important is this studio session?" I asked as I pulled the phone away from my ear to check for the time. Seeing that it was now going on 9:30 in the morning.

"Very important Camila." He answered quickly making me sigh. "So I need you here as soon as possible."

"Alright, Alright. Just let me get ready and I'll be right there."

"Ok good. See you when you get here."

"Ok I'll see you." I said before hanging up the phone. At first I just sat there on the bed not really wanting to get up at this point. My body was so tired and sore. But this is what I had to do, and I knew once I got into the studio I would be fine.

I haven't really been putting my all into my music right now. All I could think about was how betrayed I felt by my once best friend, and once lover.

I sighed as I got up from my bed and made my way into the bathroom to get ready for this busy day ahead of me.


Y/N's POV.

"Alright Y/N come on out." Michael one of my producers said as I sat down in the studio trying to record some new songs.

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