Chapter 3

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Important Note [As of 02/26/2017]: Sometime soon i might make changes and edit some few errors and might add extra dialogues if ever to parts of this book, stay tune.

Thank you :)

Part 3


Tetsuya Kuroko

"'re joking right Kagami-kun?", i nervously asked him he's probably just fooling around

"No", he answered with a serious face and looks like he isn'y fooling around with me

"But why?"

"Because many people are hurting because of it and if i become your boyfriend but just your pretend boyfriend, trust me they won't even dare bothering you anymore and besides if you're with me i'll protect you", he said to me and i can see how honest he is

"So what's your answer?", he asked me

"Uhh...Yes", i said him with a bit of reluctance to my answer

He gave me a wide and said to me "Good, then see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, see you", i smiled back at him 

After our conversation we both left and went home because it was almost dark

By what Kagami-kun said to me i don't know if he was really serious about it or this is something to make fun of me again

But whatever happens i should watch my back from now on and keep an eye on anything suspicious


At Kuroko's home

As soon as i got home i ate dinner and went upstairs to my room, after i took a shower i went down in my bed and stared at my laptop to see any new status on the internet

After i opened my account i saw a friend request and i checked out to see who it was and when i saw the name i was surprised to see it was Kagami-kun's name so i accepted it and checked his account.

When i opened his account i saw many pictures of him when he was young especially when he is playing basketball he looks really cute in those jersey clothes, then i imagined him wearing a jersey he looks so Hot in it.

I was fangirling over him too much i rolled on the bed with a pillow in my face screaming and because i wasn't paying much attention i suddenly fell off the bed and fell on the floor but i was still laughing at myself.

I don't understand myself anymore, i have never laughed this way before usually i am always emotionless and i have always felt that i'm alone.

This is the first time i have felt... Happiness

And for some reasons my heart is beating so fast.. The same beating that i felt long ago

Why do i feel this way? What does it mean?

Probably i'm just comfortable when he's around i guess, so i ignored it for now and continued to check his account.

As i was looking to more of his pictures there was one picture which strucked me the most it was a picture of him when he was about nine or ten years old and he is wearing a red mask, but that's not all

He was kissing a girl with a light blue mask on the lips in the picture.

Who is that girl? And why do i feel irritated seeing him kissing that girl?

Together Once Again (Kuroko no Basket Boy x Boy Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now