Author's Fantastic Note ^O^

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Hello everyone it's me JandyLalalulu again.

I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you for never ever stop supporting this fanfic until the end and i know most already gave up updating because my studies comes first after all.

I apologize for ruining and taking away the innocence of Kuroko's character in the fanfic.

I kinda returned HyuRai in this one because i find a good chemistry between Hyuga and Sakurai in my opinion.

Once again Thank you very much for all of my dear readers for reading my very first KnB fanfic until the very end and this is the end of it all so never forget to feedback on my stories.

Have a good day to all :)

Until the next encounter ;)

See you next summer... Bye bye!

Together Once Again (Kuroko no Basket Boy x Boy Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now