Chapter 2: The Hunters

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Chapter 2: The Hunters

"Get up." The boy with the pale, green eyes said to me, a gun poised right at my head, ready to shoot if I made one wrong move. The black blood that glazed me was starting to emanate a vile stench. The Stalker's body was laying on my left, black eye open and mouth gaping to let the same blood dribble out into a pool on the floor. "I said get up or I'll fucking shoot you."

My body was shaking as I slowly eased myself up off the tiled floor to face the person before me. His green eyes weren't the only feature that captivated me: his unruly brown curls were swept along this forhead, sticking out in places, his lips were plump and fixed in a straight line, his defined jaw was clenched as he waited for me to make any sort of move. I raised my hands, not wanting to anger him any further. His clothes were the things to have me hesitate for a moment. A padded jacket was wrapped around him, hood down. The symbol emblazoned on his breast was of a gruesome face, faded red against the black fabric. Hunter.

"Little late after curfew?" He spoke with a thick English accent, raising an eyebrow as he studied me over, licking his lips. I just kept my eyes strained past his head to where a set of double doors that led to another hallway. An escape route if I could figure out how to beat past this guy. My only weapon was a few feet away from me and there was no point in retrieving it, knowing he would shoot me on spot.

"Why would you care? You don't abide by the rules, Hunter." I looked back to him to see the corners of his lips trying to resist a smirk.

"You're feisty," His hand didn't waver with the gun. "And observant. Two things that could either keep you alive or killed. What do you prefer?" He stood straighter, walking around me as his gun was pointed directly at my head.

"I don't want any trouble. Please." I said, my voice not faltering for a second. I didn't want to come off weak, but neither did I want to give him an excuse to blow my brains out immediately.

"Coming here alone is trouble in itself," He said, stopping by my right. "Why are you here? I'm sure the military would be furious that someone disobeyed their orders." He grinned, two dimples popping in both cheeks, making him look childish and handsome at the same time. I would be a fool to say I wasn't scared in this moment. Hunters were rebels, they didn't follow any rules in this new world and had a terrible thirst for war and fighting. Anything to create bloodshed was a great addiction for them. When the military refused to hear people's pleas for food or anything, they rebelled, wiping out a numerous amount of them before starting their own group.

I kept my silence, not wanting to encourage this conversation any longer. I had to find a way around him and convince him to let me go.

"Not going to speak?" He leaned forward, eyebrows raised and green eyes filled with amusement. "Should I change your mind?" I heard him cock the gun and my heart skipped a beat, my hands slightly shaking. The moonlight that seeped in from the broken windows shined on half his face, making him seem seriously dangerous and frightening. "Come on." He sighed.

"I need medical supplies." I whispered, closing my eyes and flinching away from his gun.

"Shouldn't the military provide that for you?" He asked. "Unless..."His voice trailed out, thinking over the possibilities as to why I would need something that could be easily given to me. I wasn't expecting him to start laughing. I opened my eyes and turned my head slowly to see his teeth from the moonlight, his head shaking and his eyes crinkled shut as his body shook from laughter. "You're an Outsider."

When I didn't answer he only chuckled and walked back around to face me, gun still calmly aimed at me. "Please," I whispered again. "I just need to get to the lab and get some supplies. That's all and then I'll be on my way, I swear." My voice was a little hoarse. With a gun pointed at me and a Hunter just directly in front of my face, I was shaking. If you treaded on their territory, you were screwed.

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