Chapter 12: Burned

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Chapter 12: Burned

My body felt like it was being moved around, as if I was on the deck of a boat on a calm sea. My head hurt and my eyes felt raw and tired. My right ear picked up a beat, slow and soothing and I knew it was someone's heart.

Slowly opening my eyes, a blinding light shined down at me, causing me to squint and groan from the pain.

"Morning," A deep voice said to me. As my eyes adjusted, I was able to see Harry's face, his green eyes cast forward as he walked, his dark hair somewhat flipped to one side and the skin on his cheekbones reddening a bit from the harsh sun. "How are you?"

"Confused. W-what's going on?" I muttered, not even attempting to move out of his grip because to be perfectly honest, his arms felt so warm and comforting. Buildings slowly passed by us, their windows either cracked or fully blown out. Even some boarded up with wood.

"Last night, after what happened, we couldn't stay for long. We left at first light, like I said we would. You fell asleep on my lap and since I didn't feel like waking you, I let you sleep in. Everyone else is ahead of us." He shifted so that he could hold me better in his arms.

I turned my head to see the others walking ahead of us, Liam and Niall leading the way, the Irish boy holding a long thin rope that was tied around Tyler's good arm. Thalia was in a deep conversation with Liam and Felix walked behind her, his almighty rifle still in his hands. I saw everyone but our only blond girl, the girl that I loved so much like a sister. And that's when it hit me once more. Anna was gone. She wasn't here anymore.

I could feel the tears brimming my eyes, my hands clasped Harry's black tshirt as the pain washed over me once more. I couldn't imagine this group without her, but then again, I was glad she wouldn't have to endure this world anymore. She's free and I just hoped she was at peace.

"Harry?" I called to him, my voice almost a whisper. He hummed for his response. "Did...did you guys give Anna a burial?" I knew the answer before I even asked the question.

"There wasn't any time, but we said our prayers. Felix made sure of that. I may not like the prick, but at least he has respect," He chuckled and sighed, slowing down. "Can you walk?" He looked down at me, some of his hair falling down in his eyes.

I nodded and felt my body turn cold when I slipped out of his strong, warm arms. We were walking down a street that looked like all of the other ones we waked down, but this one held a pungent scent that filled the air that I hadn't noticed before. It smelled of complete death and something curdled.

"What's that smell?" I covered my nose as I walked beside Harry. My eyes were even watering from the horrid stench.

"Not too sure, but with dead walking around it seems kind of explanatory," Harry shrugged, pulling the collar of his shirt up to cover his nose, the machete in his other hand. "Liam, go on ahead and see what's causing that smell." He called up to the other Hunter.

Liam nodded and began jogging away from us, turning his head left and right to see if he can find anything. Above I could see black crows lining the buildings and the wires that still connected to posts. I felt like they were watching us, their black eyes catching our every step.

"I think I may vomit." I heard Thalia say in a small voice, her hand raising to her mouth as her other clutched her swollen stomach.

"Do you need a moment?" Felix asked her, making her stop and to check if she was alright. I mentally thanked him for making sure she was okay.

"Keep moving. We can't stop yet." Harry nudged Felix's shoulder once we caught up to them. Then I mentally slapped Harry for not caring about Thalia's health once more.

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