Chapter 16: The Pit

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Chapter 16: The Pit

Harry's POV

I was brought to the room I haven't seen in so long--the room that held the makeshift hand made weapons and body armour we found on dead cops or military soldiers through the years.

My head snapped around as I heard growling and high-pitched shrieking coming from the front of the room. A large, long cage sat, locking in a dozen or so of the Infected, most of them starved so that they were more ravenous than the ones outside. I remember going out with Louis and Zayn to go and wrangle them up. It was a tough job, but The Captain could only trust us with the task and back then I felt honoured. Now I realized I only fueled his ego and power.

"You have an advantage, Styles," The Hunter, Corey, said. I remembered him when he was first brought into our group--scrawny, scared, and mildly stupid. Now, he was muscled and cocky, but still mildly stupid. "You used to make these."

"Doesn't mean I'll win." I shrugged. I was prepared for what was to come next but also not prepared for my opponent.

See, after I step through the heavy doors a few feet away, I will be stepping into an old school gymnasium that is now held as battle grounds for entertainment. The Captain sends the traitors, tourists, and survivors to battle it out and whoever survives wins a prize of his choice. If I win, I don't know what I'd fucking get. Hopefully a one way ticket out of here with Aria and my friends by my sides but I highly doubt it.

Do I even count Felix as my friend? Maybe I could trade him with Aria. He's not really necessary in my book, but then again, if I do that then Aria would surely rip my dick off and shove it up my ass so that plan is immediately flushed down the toilet.

"Yeah, that's probably true," Corey laughed as he walked away from me to glance at the wall lined with knives and blades. "The people the Captain is having you go against are...tough, let's say."

"Whatever." I muttered under my breath and pulled off my black shirt, my inked flesh coated in a the layer of sweat from the heat of the room.

"But then again, I'm sure you've killed plenty of people. Being the right hand man of the Captain usually makes you equally powerful." He glanced back at me, his long dark red hair covering half of his face.

I rolled my eyes as my answer and I grabbed a holster that was filled with blades varying in different lengths. If only he knew. He'd be shitting himself laughing until I shoved one of these small blades down his throat. I need to calm down or else I may pop a blood vessel from thinking too violently.

I have never killed someone because I never really had the urge to do so. Each time I lost my temper, it only resulted with me beating someone over the head or breaking a few bones to show how serious I was, but never have I taken a life. It was a code I lived by to only take the lives of the people that were a threat to my life or my friends. It seems I may be able to finally live up to that code.

"Do you know what the prize is?" I asked him out of curiosity as I ran a hand up through my hair.

"Like you don't know." He chuckled as he twirled around a dagger, flipping it and turning it in a professional manner.

"Does it look like I fucking know, shithead?"

"Jesus, calm down," He laughed and placed the blade back where he found it. "Thought he would have told you, but since he hadn't I guess I will. It's the girl. Your girl. The one that got lashed," a chuckle escaped his lips as I tensed. "She is gorgeous, man. Those big eyes, perfect lips, small waist. I would do anything to get my hands on her for a night or two. How is she when you take her, man?"

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