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Later Friday night
As I leave the dinner with Sofi, Mom and Dad I ask if I can get dropped off at Ally's house.

"Thanks dad, thanks for dinner and the ride. Love you momma and poppa. And you too Sofia." I leave out of the back door from the car.

I knock on the front door and Ally's dad opens the door. "Hi" I say "Mani is in Ally's  room, Ally's having a shower" her father says opening the door more and gestures me in. "Thanks." I walk in.
I run upstairs and see Mani on the bed texting someone. So I text her.

[camila- 8:09 pm] look behind you girl

[manibear- 8:09 pm] umm?

She turns around and screams "MILA!" we hug each other, I affectionately wrap one of my legs around her. She bursts out laughing. "Is DJ coming?" Normani asks me "oh, I thought she wasn't coming? I didn't ask her" I reply "oh, Ally told me she asked Lauren to tell you to ask Dinah if she wanted to come" Normani says. I give her a weird look, why didn't Ally ask me or just ask DJ her self?

"I'm not sure girl" "wait I'll just call her now" "good choice"

I pick up my phone from my pocket. "Dinah Jane, I forgot to ask if you want to come to a movie night... yeah, tonight....... Ally, Mani and me....ok.....see ya then."

Then I have a think. A think of my baby Lauren. I love her so much. Soon I can see her. I love her so much, how can someone love something so much?

"CAMILA! MIJA! WHAT DID SHE SAY?" I wake up to someone shaking and yelling at me. I can tell by the tone of her voice. It's Normani. "She said she's coming" I say but it comes more like a whisper than a talk.

I hear the door open, Ally must have finished her shower.
I hope you like this chapter, it's a little longer than normal but I'll try to post more love y'all

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