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"Dinah? Are you here?" I ask as I walk into the restaurant. I see her sitting down at a booth texting someone.

I run up to her and tap her on the shoulder frightening her. "Camila!" I haven't seen you in so long," I give her a hug and complement her outfit.

We sit down on the seats and we start talking, talking about everything and anything in the world.

Dinah asks me about me and Lauren's relationship. She's the only one in Fifth Harmony who knows that Lauren and I had a bit of time away from each other, we had more of a break than just fully breaking up.

"We are okay, I mean I guess we are. We texted last night" I say shyly. "Ohh like sexting?" "DINAH! Oh my god! Nooo" I reply I burst out laughing.

"Oh sorry" she says, "let's order some food" I reply. I order a chicken sandwich and a sprite. DJ orders a burger and a cold water.

"DJ! Lauren's texted me" I say my phone vibrating in my pocket. Sending a weird sensation all through my body "Mila read it!"

[lauren- 11:56 am] hey camz, miss you. think we can FaceTime later? I wanna tell you something really important. Love and miss you 😘

Thanks for reading this chapter, do you guys like this type of chapter of More the texting chapters? Write in the comments. Love you all babes💕

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