Chapter 18

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Sofia excitedly agrees. Work From Home starts playing. "KHAKI!! AUSTIN GUESS WHAT?"
"What?" "CAMILAS ON THIS SONG!" He looks at her confused, "really?" He shoots me a look. I nod "KHAKI SING FOR HIM!" I nod and we all sing. "YOU AINT GOTTA GO TO WOOORRRRRRR-RRHH-KK."

When we get to the venue I thank Austin and give him extra money, I grab Sofia's hand and shoot Ally a text.

Mila- Hey I'm here

Allysus- yayyyy! Okay where are you?

Mila- at the front

Allysus- okay me and Dinah will come out there. We have our costumes on so don't laugh at us

Mila- I won't.
Look how cute we look. Also I have sofi

Allysus- the cutest, I've missed sofi around I can't wait to see her.

Allysus- okay we will be there in 3 minutes

Mila- okay see you then

"Sofia, mama and papa aren't here so please be careful, when we get into the dressing room I'll give you a backstage pass. You will be accompanied by Big Rob everywhere you go okay?" She nods and laughs "Big Rob, AHAHAHAHAHAHA"  "you know him he's really tall, bald and bigger than us." I say trying not to offend him.

"SOFIA!! CAMILA!! ESTRABAO KIDS!!" A little Latina yells. We both turn around and biggie and smalls are standing there. I wave to them and Sofia runs up to them. Ally picks her up, they are practically the same height but Ally topping her just by a little bit. I run up to Dinah and wrap my arms and legs around her.

"Let's go" Ally says grabbing Sofia's and Dinah's hands to cross the road. They skip and I run having to get changed into my costume, "GET SOF TO BIG ROB AND GET HER A BACKSTAGE PASS!" I yell I hear "you go chica" from Dinah and an "of course" from Ally.

I run into the venue almost crashing into a makeup artist, that does Dinah's makeup. She's taller than Dinah, Ally and Mani combined. "Oh sorry" "it's okay Camila, *Steph is sick, I'm going to do your makeup later." I nod and rush to the changing rooms.
*Steph is Camila's makeup artist in this story.

After I get changed I walk to a hangout area in the back, I take a seat down next to mani and sofi comes and sits on my lap saying that Dinah was scaring her.

"BIG ROB?!?" I call out he comes running in "yes Camila?" He asks "can you please get Sofia a backstage pass? And while we preform do you think she could hangout with you?" He looks down "I'm sorry but she can come with me." Mani asks why and he replies "I'm out in the crowd tonight, she can always hang out with the makeup artists?" I nod and go get my makeup gone.

"Thank you Madysyn, do you think you could look after sofi while we preform?" I ask pleadingly. "Of course mija" I smile at her and leave the chair having to get shoes on.

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