Chapter 22- Marriage!

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(Mirayuki's point of view)

My eyes fluttered open and I looked at the blood around me. My wrists were chained along with my ankles. A 'collar' as they called it was around my neck. In reality it was a metal band they could shock me with if I tried to escape. They told me I was their new little mutt along with all the rest of the girls in here.

I looked to the left of me to see Sakura, she has been taken from her kingdom because of her purple eyes and white hair. I also heard that she is an amazing cook. I had gotten really close to her over these past couple of days. Though out of the twelve girls in here she was the only one that would talk to me so it's not like I had many options.

I heard the clattering of keys and looked up to see one of the bosses sons. His name was Bass, no not like the fish like Bas****.

"Now which one of you pretty little ladies want to be my bride?" He looked at all of us as everyone huddled away from him. I was the only one chained down and now I guess I know why.

"Ah! Little Mirayuki! This Girl with Golden eyes! Yes I'll love to have you as my wife!" He kneeled down next to me and placed a hand on my face. His Navy almost black eyes looking into my own. He slammed his lips on me and cracked a smile afterwards.

"You taste like a million strawberries with a bit of mint. What do I taste like my dear?"

"Like beer and an a**." I replied and felt a slap on my face. I coughed and blood came out of me.

"Mind your manners, you will soon be the mother of our children. The right your father took away from mine." He strutted off and I coughed again.

"Yuki are you alright?" Sakura asked me and crawled over to me.

But the guards took off my chains and pushed me onto my feet and then out the door. I heard the cage door slam behind us and Sakura's cries as I was taken to Bass's room.

In the room sat Kurai (My uncle), and his three sons: Bass, Oto, and Kouu. His daughter Asumi and his wife Lillie sat behind them.

"Ah look my wife to be has finally arrived!" Bass strutted over to me and pulled me to him. His hand wandered behind my back and gave my butt hard squeeze. He leaned up and whispered "If you make any noises that sound like a gasp or moan then you'll be sorry later."

"It's nice to see you all are doing well." I managed to pull out a smile.

"Nice to see you as well Mirayuki." Kurai grinned evilly back at me. I looked around the room, I finally noticed the dark purple paint and black wooden door.

"So what do you think of our room wifey?" Bass asked me and I had to bite my tongue from saying something I would regret.

"It's lovely Bass." I barely managed to get out. I missed Obi and Izana... I miss all of my friends.

"Why do you look so sad then?" He asked me and an idea formed in my brain.

"I miss my friends, I wish they could have been here for the wedding." I sighed and looked towards the ground. A tear slipped from my eye and I whimpered.

"Ah my darling! We can bring them here after we finish all the preparations." He rubbed my back and I wiped my eyes.

"R-Really?" I choked out hoping that he would fall for it.

"Yes my darling! Let's start preparing now then!" He exclaimed and hugged me.

"Mind telling us who you want there?" Kurai asked me as his eyes scanned me.

"My Sister Shirayuki, Obi, Kiki, Mistuhide, Madam Coty, Elder Kenji, Sir Juro, and all their family. Also Umi, Remi, and Aki." I told them a couple other people from all the towns we had visited but I left Zen and Izana out. Mainly because they would probably figure out my plan if I did that.

"Ah and you don't wish for that guy, Izana to be there? I thought you had a thing for him?"

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