Picture by Kaelyn_Howell
I know im late to this
I'm not gonna sugar coat anything. I didn't listen to their music often. Couldn't tell the members apart. Didn't even know their names. On the other hand... It's so sad to think about someone taking their own life away. I want you to really think about it;not living, not being here anymore. The cause of death is yourself. You killed yourself. It's scary to think about to me. I've stayed up hours think about death. I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I say I'm depressed and sad when I know others that have it worse but are strong enough to continue on. I feel like a wimp. Hell, I am a wimp.
My best friend, Megan, friends for 5 years. She's always there for me. She tells me to tell her my problems, but I don't wanna pull her down with me. She has her own problems. I feel like I should keep this to myself. Yet here I am; telling my problems to people I don't know. Is that smart or am I an idiot that should always be silent. The outcast that's called mute. Scared to say the wrong thing and get punished for it. I feel ridiculous. I feel like I am burdening others with my problems..How do I manage not to.
1:18 a.m.