Percy Jackson Primordial Power

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I hated life. I thought about suicide but that was the cowards way out. People hated me. My Father, Mother, my friends except a couple. Even my girlfriend cheated on me. Yes it's me the great Percy Jackson is depressed. At least I was until I found out my father is really chaos and that I was a primordial of the elements and teleportation.

I even have two pure black wings and a sword named Oblivion. It's made out of chaos metal and is indestructible. The hilt is a dark blue color kind of like the planet Neptune. The blade is pure black and when I kill something with it the sword absorbs the power from my opponent and gives the power to me making me more powerful. I should at least tell you about what happened exactly at camp half-blood.


It had been six months after the giant war. Life was good for everybody. I was just getting back from a quest where I had to save a saytr and a half- blood from a group of empousa that were after them. When Chiron first gave me the information on what was happening I asked him why so many monsters were after a single demigod but, Chiron had no idea why such a huge amount of monsters were after a little demigod but, I guess I didn't really care at the time.

What a huge mistake that was. I wasn't allowed to take anybody with me since it wasn't such a hard thing for me to do. Anyway when we got back the little kid was asleep in my arms from a long journey. The kid looked really peaceful in my arms. He had shaggy black hair and sea green eyes and he was very tan. I could already tell who's kid he was. I was having mixed feelings about him.

Sure I'm happy I have a little brother but now he's going to have to live a life of a demigod, which is never a happy one. The next time I see Poseidon I am going to punch him in the face for his selfishness. As I carried him to the border everyone in camp half-blood seemed to be eager to see who the boys parent would be. Chiron was at the front of the group. Once I got to the top of the hill he started to stir from his sleep. "I see our little boy here is waking from his restful sleep" Chiron stated.

I set him on the ground so he could stretch his legs and move around. I walked over to Chiron who seemed to be watching the little boy play around with some of the campers. " Hey Chiron how's camp been while I'm gone" I asked. " It's been fine Percy and may I ask how he has been doing on the trip here". "All he's done is sleep which is a good thing I guess" I said.

"Do you know his name and age" Chiron asked. " I do not know his name or his age". " He was asleep the whole time and I didn't want to bother him after what he went through". I guess now would be a good time to ask him I thought. I walked over and sat down next to him. He looked up at me with a huge smile on his face. "Hey what's up buddy" I asked him. " Nothing much" he said.

"I was wandering what your name is" I asked. "It's Dakota" he said with a big toothy grin on his face. " How old are you then". " I'm five". "Okay I just wanted to know so I can tell Chiron" I said. "Who's Chiron" he asked. "He's over there" I said pointing at him. "HORSEY!" he yelled. Chiron turned his head to us looking really annoyed. I on the other hand fell over laughing at him. When I looked up again I saw Dakota on Chirons back saying hiyah trying to get Chiron to move. It was fun watching him having fun without having to worry about prophecy after prophecy. I decided to look for Annabeth since I hadn't seen her In a while. "Hey Conner, Travis have you guys seen Annabeth anywhere" I asked them. " No we haven't seen her they said simultaneously".

"Okay" I said. I went to look for her at the beach but, all I saw was some couple making out on the beach. I turned around but, before I could start walking away I heard " Oh Jake your so amazing". "I know Annabeth but, when are you going to break up with Percy" Jake said. I stared feeling really angry. I mean how could she do this to me after all I have done for her.

My anger grew so much I decided to unleash it on them. I felt a sensational tug in my stomach and a huge wave at least a hundred feet high came crashing down on them. When the water cleared Jake was on the ground coughing up water and Annabeth tried to dig herself out of the sand but, was having a really hard time. I ran to my cabin and laid in my bed thinking about what just happened. Then the conch horn sounded signaling it was time for dinner.

I got up and went to dinner deciding to see what Dakota was up to. I got my food and scraped some of my food in the fire for the gods and sat down eating. When everyone was finished eating Poseidon appeared next to Chiron. I walked up to him and punched him in the face so hard I broke his nose. Everyone looked at me In shock that I just punched an Olympian in the face. Then I grabbed Poseidon by the shirt and pulled him down to me.

"How could you be so selfish to have another kid who will have a horrible life and will have to suffer from monsters attacking him" I whispered in his ear so only he could hear me. " How did you know he was mine" he asked looking scared. "Really he looks just like me how could I not tell" I said.

"Oh" was all he had to say. Of course I thought. Then he snapped his fingers and a sign appeared over Dakota's head. "Persues Jackson" someone screamed. Guess who I thought. "Why did you do that to us" Annabeth screamed at me. "Why did you cheat on me" I yelled back. "Because I don't like you anymore". I am leaving forever and don't come looking for me" I yelled.

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