Chapter 1

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"And the winner of this match, by ways of pinfall, Keith Kogane!" the announcer says into her mic as the ref holds Keith's arm in the air.

Keith breathes quickly but deeply as he stares out at the crowd, his vision being mostly obscured by his bangs that were glued to his forehead due to the sweat.

As the ref released his arm Keith grinned at the crowd as he did a loop around the ring, encouraging them to cheer louder. As he made his way out of the ring he smirks at the cameras but waves off any ACW staff. Keith leaned against a wall in the locker room trying to catch his breath properly.

The locker rooms were empty, which was a rarity for this place, so Keith enjoyed the quiet after the noise from the ring. It feels nice, he thought with a hazy, exhausted mind as he got ready to shower and change into his regular clothes.

Keith stood under the hot stream of water, feeling all the sweat and grime being washed away and the heat slowly working into his aching muscles. He sighed as he was finally able to relax.

He pulled his wet hair up into a messy bun when he stepped out of the showers, a towel wrapped around his waist he makes his way to his locker. The fighter pulls out his duffel bag and reaches for his watch, checking the time. He groans, his match and shower having taken longer than he'd expected. He already gets hardly any sleep as it is.

After quickly chucking on his regular clothes (a black T-shirt and sweatpants) he hurried out of the locker rooms. He heads towards the snack table to grab a quick donut when the extremely annoying voice of his self proclaimed 'rival' rang out in the room.

"Oh Keith," Lance snarked from at the other end of the snack table. "Didn't expect to see you here, Your Highness," he taunts. "You never show up." Keith sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in aggravation

"Lance can we not do this whole thing?" he asks shortly. "I would hate to help make a fool of yourself once again," he looks at the blue eyed man with a smirk. Lance huffs angrily

"Whatever, mullet," he growls as he stalks past him, snatching his donut out of his hand. "Stop acting like you're so much better than the rest of us." Keith turns around and watches him leave.

"I'm not better than everyone," he calls after him "Just you!" He grabs another donut from the table and shoves it in his mouth as he walks away, missing Lance's enraged expression that he shot to the back of Keith's skull.


"ARRG! I HATE him!" Lance shouts, kicking the wall of the locker room but gently, because he isn't an animal.

"Then why do you go out of your way to talk to him?" Hunk asks from where he sits on the bench. This is the third time this week that he's had this conversation with Lance.

"I don't go out of my way to talk, I go out of my way to annoy him," Lance protests. "I hate him! I hate his dumb face and his dumb hair!"

"Then why not just fight him already? You are a wrestler you know. Or are you scared he'll beat you?" Hunk asks, grinning.

"He can't beat me!" Lance says. "I'm better than him!"

"Weren't you supposed to be asking him about, yknow, the team?" Hunk asks. "Pidge will be pissed when he finds out you forgot to ask."

"I was going to ask, but then he had to go and be a jerk to me, like always."

"I'm 100% sure that it was the other way around but whatever bud. Just remember to ask him."

"I don't see why I have to be the one to ask him either. You really think he's going to want to join a faction with me?" Lance continues.

"You, his great arch nemesis?" Hunk rolls his eyes. "You spend more time complaining about him than you do actual fighting. Come to think of it, you do talk about him an awful lot," Hunk smirks, sing-songing

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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