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Jacksons pov
It's been a week since I've been here. It's not so bad. I'm actually getting help. The only problem is I miss Dylan,friends, and family. A visit is next month. I haven't gone live and i can't go live. I can't update anyone. Here I'm not allowed to go on social media or use my phone in general at this center. (I don't know if that's true.) So when we arrived here, they took my phone. They'll give it back once I'm leaving the rehab. I've met some really good people here that I came close to. Some of them, by some of them I mean 2, left me because I told them I was gay. It hurt. But I learned to control the hurt and stuff like that. But I told everyone else about me being gay. Chill people. There's this one guy, his name is Elijah Quinn. I know he's gay because the dude is always flirting with me. I tell him I have a boyfriend but he doesnt believe it. He's not bad looking. He's not Dylan. Next month help believe me. And he better. Next month is Dylan and I' s 7 months. I know visits are next month but like what day? I want to spend our anniversary together. Just keep wishing Jackson. Keep wishing. Anyways they call me in to do some exercises for 30 minutes. I need to practice more on these skills to really calm myself down.  It's not so bad here. If I had 3 wishes it would be
1) Dylan being here
2) Surviving
3) For my family to be here.
That's all I really want. You are probably thinking don't you want your parents to accept you? Yes i do but I've learned that every one has their own opinions. Parents and their child can have different opinions than eachother. It's hard for parents when you come out because they thought you would give them grand children. But when you come out, its difficult for them to understand. But they'll come around. Next month when they visit, I'm going to most likely cry when I apologize. After thinking that I sat on a table just thinking "what would've happened if I actually died?" I shed a tear and my friend that I met when I arrived, Diana, came over.
"Hey, what are you thinking about." She asks sitting down
"Nothing it's fine Diana." I lie.
"Jackson. Don't lie. Tell me what's going on. I care about you deeply." She makes puppy eyes
"Fine. What would've happened if I actually died?" I ask facing her.
"Everyone that cared about you would've been upset, sad, devastated,and they all would miss you" she explains
"Okay can you stop you're gonna make me cry." I giggled wiping a tear away.
"It's okay Jackson. You're getting help and you will feel better."
"Thanks Diana."
"Your welcome"
We hug and continued on with class. I love her so much.
Time skip to night time.
*Diana and Jackson share a room*
"So. Who's this Dylan guy you told me about earlier J?"
"He's a human. And my boyfriend."
"How long have you two love birds been together?"
"Almost 7 months."
"The 6th."
"Almost a year J!"
"I know"
"How did you two meet?"
"At school. My best friend Mikey introduced me to him and I had a crush on him. Then we went to a park. I wanted to hold his hand but I didn't know if he wanted to. I spotted my ex that used me for followers. I told him and we held hands. We didn't let go for the rest of the time. After the park we acted like we were dating."
"Did he eventually ask you out?"
"Jackson. Tell. Me. How. It. Happened."
"Well. Dylan invited me to his house And he got a cake. It said boyfriend with a question mark and a heart. Obviously I said yes.And yeah that is pretty much it."
"Honestly I wish I can meet him. To have a little chit chat with him."
"Dylans sweet, Diana, I don't think a chit chat with him is necessary."
"Oh Jackson. I'm having that chit chat whether you like it or not."
"Jesus Christ Diana." We laugh and soon we knocked out. I'm happy I met her. I can't wait for every one to meet her next month. She's protective of me. I appreciate it.

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