Breaking The Rules

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Strangely, the incident in the hallway wasn't the weirdest thing about this day. In fact, it only got weirder from there. When I got to my first period class three of the 8 strange kids from the hallway were in the class. Everyone, and I mean everyone, wanted to know more about them.
       But they didn't seem to want anything to do with them. It seemed like they kept trying to come over to me, but other kids kept blocking them. When the teacher came in everyone went to their seats. Mrs. Lathway called the three new kids up, and gave the two boys seats in the front of the room, and the girl the only seat left in the back. The one right beside me. Lovely.
"Everyone this is Keith Mills, and Joseph and Laura Blackwell. Anything you'd like to say?" she asked, they all three shook their heads no. 
      Laura sat down beside me and then Mrs. Lathway proceeded to hand out packets and told us to work quietly.
      Throughout the period I snuck a few glances at Laura, I was curious as to who they all really were. I didn't think she noticed until she suddenly put her pencil down and turned towards me.
          She smiled, and proceeded to ask me, 

"Hello Maurice. Did you want to ask me something?" she didn't say it rude, or mean. It was more like she was inviting me to talk to her.

    "H-h-how d-do you know my name?" I stuttered, after a few seconds of being dumbfounded and not being able to make words come out of my mouth.
     She looked at me questioningly, and then pointed to my paper. 

    "I read it. I must admit you do have quite beautiful handwriting. Mines just a mess." she said holding up her paper. I just nodded and went back to my work.
      Laura and Joseph were very strange individuals. I mean, everyone of the new kids were strange in their own right, but these two just looked so different from the rest of the kids. All the others had dark hair, except for the redhead from this morning.  They were all slightly tan too. But Laura and Joseph were very pale, and had very light blond hair.
          During second period None of the strange children were in class with me, which I was grateful for. Because as I was walking through the hallway I could've sworn I saw some of them staring at me. Maybe I'm just making all this up. They probably don't care about me at all. They'll get over me in a few days, I'm not that special.
         Third period was when my newly  formulated plan of avoiding the new kids went completely off the rails. I had my head down waiting for the teacher to start so I didn't notice when they all came in. I heard Mr. Smith say my name and I immediately snapped up.
      That's when in saw them. I gulped, there were five of them this time. The blackwells were here, so was the other boy from first period and a girl I didn't recognize. But The redhead was also here. I was really hoping to avoid her, I didn't want to face my embarrassment. Mr. Smith said for them to sit anywhere, and the other four of them sat on the other side of the room.
       I figured she'd sit with them, but instead she sat right beside me, in the very back of the room. I was immediately very anxious, I felt really bad about running into her and she looked like the type of girl that could hold a grudge. But instead she smiled at me.
     She reached out her hand and I shook it warily.

   "It's You! The girl who ran into me this morning! My Names Adeline, I just wanted to apologize for this morning. Are you okay?what's your name?" Adeline said brightly. She was still shaking my hand, it was kinda freaky.  It seemed Like she was trying really hard to be nice but being kind was very hard for her. I almost felt bad for her.
        Feeling guilty, I ignored my plan to avoid her. She was trying so hard to get me to like her, and I was just being rude. 
      I stuttered and stumbled over my words. But managed to mumble out maurice. I took a deep breath and tried again.
       "Uh... M-my names Maurice. Maurice Holden" I said quietly. She smiled satisfied and sat down. Mr. Smith said for us to work in partners to solve the worksheet we got a yesterday. I already completed it, I usually don't have have anything other than homework to do at night. I pulled it out and left it on my desk.
      I didn't talk to Adeline for a few minutes. Until I looked over and just saw her doodling absently I forgot that we're supposed to be partners, she's my desk partner.

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