Minutes later for a class, everyone is on the big meeting. The more they talk each other for fun, the more they see each other to keep waiting, while this couple Penn and Sashi... They will wait for a class president Alex to hear all of the couple's announcements aloud before the art. And Boone... Boone will write all the answers of the final examinations for all the subjects in the Examination Classroom, which the distraction is the problem by the other students. Rosetta will stop the distraction for good and help Boone finishing the exam by giving the others for laws, Boone knows the rules with the wiseman skills.
By the way, Penn is in Rippen's seat and he's still waiting for Alex to arrive, he could be tired of waiting for the class president, as Sashi would like to talk to Penn very politely.
Sashi: Umm... Still waiting, PZ?
Penn: (feels tired) Yeah. Definitely, I'm still waiting for that president of our class. I'll just have to get outside the classroom and--
Jhoanne: Alex is in the front of the door at the Examination Classroom in the room number 240 by now. You need to keep it just wait, you guys.
Penn: (to Jhoanne) Oh.
Andrea: (outside the classroom after sneaking through) Nice try, Penn. But Jhoanne is a very smart girl as same genius as Boone. Genius differences doesn't matter. (making Jhoanne really proud)
Penn: (to Andrea, depressed) Don't sneak into our classroom, Andrea.
Sashi: Look, Penn. I'm happy to be here for everyone in each class, because we're still the part-time heroes, so clearly, hundreds of missions have been accomplished every year. It's not that bad about the last day of school, but I know we can paint a lot of way things together.
Penn: (smiled) Hey. I'm sure we can make it this time. We're almost to be full-time. Remember?
Sashi: (smiles very blushy) Anyway, I've found the book you dropped it in several years ago.
Penn: What is it?
Sashi: It's in my backpack.
Penn: (looks at the book that Sashi picks up from her backpack, surprised) Oh! I remember that book, it's my family album. My mom would dropped it in 12 years ago, and she can't find it everywhere. But take a look at this, Sash.
Sashi: Ha! (punches one of Penn's shoulders very happy) Come on, Penn. I already seen in any page. (causing any student of a classroom will also like to see the album) Not you, everyone! Settle down. (making all students sit down very unsure)
Penn: (flipping pages of the album to 1) Here it is. See that? When I was a baby, I can't walk faster. But I was using the wiggly worm dance instead so I was letting my parents hug me. They loved me!
Sashi: (looking at the pictures in the first page of the album) Woah. You know what? I loved the way I feel, because I'm on a same age as yours, birthdate doesn't matter. I admit it that you were cute. (laughs along with Penn)Alex goes back through the classroom, he opens the door. As he arrived, Penn closes the album quickly.
Alex: Hey, everybody. Sorry, I was busy to peek about Boone in the Examination Classroom. He can answer all the questions in just 5 minutes which our art teacher Rosetta trains him to concentrate his bravery to enhance his own personality. (making everyone except Penn and Sashi feel questioned about Boone) Where was I... (clears throat) Listen up, students. We are here in the Classroom of Arts in the Middleburg Central High School at the town of Middleburg in Virginia, USA, as we considered for a final day of our batch of the school in four years, the final day of the Senior Year's today. And so, everyone in this place shall be graduated for next week in Saturday.
Everybody in the classroom are cheered for graduation for another week in Saturday, and everyone says “Hooray!”
Monika: YEAH!!! (takes off her hairband and tosses it upwards cheerfully) I can't wait to find my very own job! (accidentally hits the other student) Sorry.
Alex: And now, I'd like to hear an announcement for a resolution to the graduation, in which someone speaks to everyone of you to remind after the Graduation Day. Then what's about to understand the wedding vows? Weddings. Everybody loves weddings. This is the important way of romance is for someone to be married in the wedding, to love, cherish, and worship... or obey. That reminds me, “A day of a graduation gives a very big celebration, and the happiness is for friendships and relationships.” (to Matilda) Right, Matilda?
Matilda: (to Alex, happy) I understand your reminder, babe. I love you. (flying-kisses)
Alex: (catches Matilda's kiss) You too, babe.
Jhoanne: (to Andrea) Isn't it possible where he catches her breath?
Alex: (to everyone) And now I'd like to present Penn Zero.
Terry: (background, riding on a skateboard) I'm on a skateboard and the balance will never be-- (crashes to Gymnasium)
Sashi: Okay, Penn. It's your turn. You ready?
Penn: Me? But I--
Sashi: (excited) Now go. (pushing Penn forward) Everybody's cheering for you!
Penn: Okay?
Penn Zero: Friendship Secrets Volume One
مغامرةPenn Zero is going to be back from the television series! The book is now submitted to the #Wattys2018. In Volume 1 of 2: Penn, Sashi, and Boone will go on for an ultimate adventure with the final missions to see what they take to be the full-time h...