Chapter 9: Magical Discovery

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The gang continues their journey to find the ultimate treasure, it's expected that they discovered a magical place, The Kingdom of the Golden Heart. Entering the magical camouflaged door to the zone will change their own mission, the kingdom shows them there are thousands of people, lots of animals, and it shows the first king in the temple. The entrance of the village is from very far in 0.5 miles, a front of the entrance has the bridge of floating giant rocks, which tourists look everywhere to see the thickest river and the very tall waterfalls, showing the thick clouds underneath the river and the waterfalls.

Even a meanwhile in the airplane over the sky, Sylvester, Tia, Jhoanne, Alex, Matilda, and the bear Karen, waiting to find Sashi to give her dangerous stuff and that's the Kobayashis' challenge.

Jhoanne: Shoot. I can't believe I've lost the level 124 of the Thought Bubbles app, and I meant... there's just only a life left.
Matilda: (sighs) My spine hasn't got crumbled all over my body.
Jhoanne: Maybe it really isn't a way to sit carefully on the top of the box of boba teacups last time without any comfort. Something tells me if that happens, I'm on the right seat, maybe it wasn't prostituted I have to work out.
Alex: Don't be ridiculous, you two. Actually, you might think these are the parachute bags, are there will be particular for skydiving.
Jhoanne: But we're not always being skydivers like one, right?
Alex: Right.
Sylvester: I don't know how. Yet. Still having Sashi's dangerous stuff I carried on.
Jhoanne: Yeah, but... I would think these professional skydivers were the best... I'm pretty sure you'll have to do this, and I know how to guide you to open to teach. (opens the guidebook to read) It says here... We need to pull the string to release the parachute from the bag after diving in the air.
Tia: You know what, remember the day that I was not afraid of heights since I was fourteen? I'm a professional skydiver. I'd like to ensure to teach you how to skydive in a reason to educate the most particular lessons to learn for everyone, including Sylvester, having always to reach each other and make a great shape to be best for way high above.
Sylvester: Well, not exactly uh, I'm afraid of heights.


Jacob Stevens: Listen up, everyone. We're approaching to the location in0 three miles beyond the Brasstown Bald. You're gonna be ready.
Sylvester: B-B-Brasstown Bald?! What is a "Brasstown Bald?" (Tia feels and moans in distress with a facepalm)

Back in the magical kingdom, the guards open the gatebridge, leaving Penn and his friends standing over the end of a bridge from two feet in the front of a gatebridge, which they heard a thud in front of them... sort of. Penn reads the sign of the top of the edge of the gatebridge's opening hole in the great big giant wall.

Penn: (reading the sign) "Golden Heart Kingdom" Huh. That's a quite for the edge of theory.
Minty: Welcome to the kingdom, people. (sighs) I hope you blocked my statue photos all over the internet.
Sashi: Hmm... A door of the big gate has been thickened up to 10 inches.
Sally: We should have to keep walking and pass through the walls over the bridge.
Penn: So this is an amazing kingdom, Boone. What do you think about this place we don't know about?
Boone: I have to be the wizard with the beard of this kingdom when three of us came to be first visited to the Knight World. Wizards can make magic within a big mage worthy. I think I could be a flying wizard for today--
Sashi: (in annoyance, grabs Boone) No wizards can fly except for flying creatures. (then lets Boone go)
Sally: Maybe we should have to take a walk.
Boone: Gosh. I'll do never see the largest kingdom like this before-- It's got a giphy everything. The gatebridge is enormously big, the wall's just a little too tall, it's too hard to see the temple by numerous of these houses and apartments everywhere. (while George looks at the kingdom very beautifully)
Sally: I could even remembered the Knight World, I was watched the you three defend the castle.
Penn: Yup. Promise me, we would have to get to the temple. I wonder if we could get a look closer for the biggest map sooner.
George: (looks behind, describing the unknown type of a dragon approaching) Uh, guys?

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