Gone Swimmin'

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"Ellie! Wait up! You're going too fast!" I yell whilst trying to stay quiet so nearby infected don't hear, I lose sight of the damn girl. "Ellie! C'mon this isn't funny, come out" Again, no reply. I begin to get worried, my heart beating out its chest. Silence fills the forest, I walk endlessly with nothing but a pocket knife to my name and still no sight of the brown-haired girl. I lose hope and start to head back but I freeze when I hear the snapping of a branch, without looking back I initiate a sprint and go as fast as my legs will take me, I hear footsteps trailing after me each step getting closer and closer until....

"Ahhhhh" I scream, I start to pound my fists on whatever has a hold of me, I stop when I hear a familiar voice "Dude, ow! Stop..stop!" I didn't think Ellie would stoop this low "What the fuck! Ellie, you scared the crap out of me. I thought you were infected!" I'm snitching to Joel about this.

"Well, aren't you glad I'm not infected?" Ellie snickers while looking at me with her beautiful eyes....wait a minute she's my friend I shouldn't be thinking like this. "(Y/N)!" Ellie says which snaps me out my trance. "Huh, What?" I reply confused. "Aren't you glad I'm not infected?" she repeats "that's not the point, I thought you died or got lost and then you pull a fucking stunt like that? I'm going home" I storm off without even letting her reply.

I hear a pitter patter of feet behind me "(Y/N), please it was just a joke.... (Y/N)" I feel a hand grabbing a hold of mine, I turn around and my eyes are met with hers and I forget everything. However, my stubbornness gets the best of me and I jolt my arms which releasing her grasp and I huff away without speaking a word.


I watch as she storms away debating whether to follow behind. I wasn't thinking at the time I shouldn't have scared her like that, I need to make it up to her. I can't mess up what we have, I jogged trying to catch up "Look, (Y/N) I'm sorry I..I wasn't thinking and I shouldn't have messed you up like that, please forgive me" Nope, still nothing, why is this girl so stubborn? Going home sounds like a good plan right about now. After minutes of what seems like hours of silence we come across a beautiful lagoon, judging by the lack of movement from (Y/N) the body of water catches both our attention.

"You wanna go in?, C'mon you know you want to" I say while wiggling my eyebrows trying to get even an inch of emotion out of her "I thought you said you couldn't swim?" Damn it, I forgot I told her about that. "It looks shallow, I'll be fine...so.....? we going in?" after a moment of thinking It looks as if I have convinced her "Fine." I can't help but smile and squeal in excitement "Fuck Yes!" wait a minute is that a smile I see on her face? I'm one step closer of gaining her forgiveness.

We both gradually take off our clothes, leaving us in under garments. Me being the idiot I am decided to jump in without even checking the depth of the water. Big Mistake. I panic when I realise that I am unable to touch the ground and I swish about in the water gasping for air when I hear another splash that isn't my own next to me. I feel a pair of arms grab my body and take me to the side of the lagoon, so I can hold onto some stray vines. I look up at my saviour and can already see from her face that I'm never going to hear the end of this. "It looks shallow, huh?" she imitates "oh shut up will you, it was an easy mistake to make" I try not to cringe at my pathetic excuse.

Eventually, we both burst out laughing and as the laughter fades, it becomes silent but not the bad kind. We both look at each other and sub consciously before we know it our lips collide with one another. The kiss lasted mere moments, but it felt like a lifetime we pull apart "I'm still mad at you Ellie" She lets out with a serious tone. God she's still such a shitty liar "Yeah, sureee.... I believe you" I answer sarcastically and pull her in for another kiss.

Night fall is upon us soon, so we decide to head back. We sneak into Tommy's as quietly as we can. "I think we're in the clear" I thought wrong as I hear someone clearing their throat behind us, we turn around and see a crossed armed grumpy looking Joel leaning against the door frame.

"uh oh" (Y/N) and I both say in unison.

*This is my first one shot so be kind please. I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to send a Request and I'll try my best to get it uploaded as soon as possible.

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