Part II

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Ellie POV

"So, you're just like me then? Nice to meet you, I'm Ellie"

Not gonna lie, I was going to walk in and say that line thinking I was badass and knew everything about this virus and my 'immunity' if you wanna even call it that but honestly I'm still just as confused as this beautiful girl Infront of me.... Wait, what? Why did I just say that? I'm not lying but.... Why?

"Hi" the mysterious girl said shyly. It was very obvious that she was scared and I hated seeing that. "Joel. Tommy, untie the poor girl. She's no threat and we all know it" I commanded. All I wanted to do was make this girl comfortable so she can open up and trust me, I know what it's like to be in her position but only difference is, I was alone, I want her to know that she isn't. "(Y/N)..... My name is (Y/N)" she mumbled as if she was choosing her words carefully. "Follow me (Y/N), I want to show you something" I gestured towards the door hoping she follows.

I took her round the camp, introduced her to residents, showed her all our facilities. I felt a connection to this girl, I knew that I never want her to leave this place, or me. Lastly, I took her up to my room so she could change her clothes and freshen up before we talk about what happened. Me being considered, I left the room whilst she was getting dressed. "Hey! I'm ready, you can come back in now" she shouted. I walked in and damn, I thought she was gorgeous when she was covered in dirt but now I knew that I was falling for this girl.

I sat down on my bed and patted the empty space beside me, she sat down with little hesitation and started fiddling with her hands whilst looking down at them. "How you holding up, (Y/N)?" I asked. "Honestly, Ellie. I don't know how I'm holding up" (Y/N) sighed with a hint of sadness in her voice and her eyes. "As patronising as it sounds I know how you feel, I really do... I want you to know that you're not alone. I want you to know that you can talk to me whenever you want, to be honest I may not be 100 percent sure why we're immune but my guess is better than people who aren't" I reassured.

"Thank you, Ellie" she smiled. What a smile it was, she is absolutely gorgeous. "I hope you don't mind but can I get some rest, I've been out myself for weeks and I haven't had a proper sleep since I got I got bit, I'll answer any questions you have but please, may I go to sleep?" (Y/N) pleaded. "Of course" I nodded. "Take my bed, I don't mind" I assured with a smile.

I sat, and just watched her sleep. I've never seen someone sleep so gracefully, and I know that I'll never get tired of it. I can't wait to get to know her. I made myself a makeshift bed on the floor and laid down. "What a day" I murmured. Then everything went black, as I fall asleep.

*Hey guys, I'm so sorry that it takes me so long to put out content but I'm just so busy all the time. I know that this chapter wasn't very exciting but I hope you all enjoyed. I'll try my best to post at least two times a week, thanks again*

Ellie Williams (TLOU) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now