Part III

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Ellie POV

"Aw fuck... my back" I groan as I try to get up, you'd think after nineteen years I would be used to this by now - apparently not. As I get up I rub my eyes just to wake myself up a bit more, I walk over to my bathroom and splash water in my face but before I do so I glimpse over to a peaceful (Y/N) sleeping in my bed. "God, she must be fucking tired" I mutter to myself. She must feel awful, the day I got bit still haunts me especially since I was with...; I shake my head to try and forget but I never do... since I was with.... Riley.

Too focused and drowned in my thoughts, I don't even notice the faint shuffling in the background. "Hey..." (Y/N) says softly whilst sitting up. I snap my head back, out of my daydream and see a messy haired (Y/N) sitting up from her bed. "Oh, hey... did you sleep okay?" I asked with obvious sympathy in my voice. "I mean, not great but better than my recent sleeps" (Y/N) answered. "That's good, I guess haha" I reply with a slight giggle. "Not gonna lie, didn't think you would have stayed" I admit. I'm so glad she decided to stay.... decided to trust me. " I had no-one and now that I do, I don't want to give it up, especially not with someone like you" (Y/N) whispers with a small smile on her face. I can see tears forming in her eyes, I can tell this is killing her, having to give up everything because of one mistake... one stupid mistake.

"I'm gonna go see Joel and Tommy, see if they need anything - I'll let you get dressed and if you're up for it then meet me outside, I'll be out by the stables" as I get up to leave I hear "Ellie" I turn to face her "Okay" she nodded with a smile on her face. "Okay" I reply with the same expression. I turn to head towards the door, I feel a slight tug on my arm, I turn back and see her beautiful face. " Thank you... for everything".


"Thank you... for everything" I say with utter gratitude. Ellie smiles " Don't mention it" and then slowly walks out. I start to well up in tears, but this time it was different, I felt safe and loved. I've only known this girl for a few hours and yet, it feels like I've known her for years. Why is she so trusting? If that were my group... I'd already be dead. I wonder what's happening back home, are they still looking? Have they given up? I hope Chris is okay but it would kill him if he saw me like this, I guess I'm better off without them and vice versa. I walk over to the clean clothes Ellie left out and put them on one by one. I freshen up and make myself look presentable. This is the first time I'll see everyone, I'm assuming they snuck me in to avoid panic between the group, in case I really was infected. "You can do this (Y/N)" I reassure myself as I head for the door. I place my hand on the handle and prepare myself for what lies outside "I've got this".

Right guys, it's been awhile and I am so sorry - I've been really busy with work, college and maintaining a social life but I want to try and write for you guys! So I'll try my best to finish this story, I'm not really sure how many parts there are but I know there's alot.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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