So you're just like me then?

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"Fuck! Shit shit... This can't be happening" You anguished in pain whilst grasping your arm, blood gushing out of your infected bite. "No... Why me, why the fuck! Does it have to be me!" You yell, banging your fists against the oak of a nearby tree. Dumb idea, you thought as you yelp in pain - instantly regretting what you had done.

It all happened so fast, you had gotten into a big argument with your brother, Chris and had stormed off out into the woods, miles from the safe zone. You had stumbled across this hut in the middle of the forest and stupidly went inside thinking it was going to be safe. Little did you know, it was full of infected that had woken up once you had opened the door. You ran for your life and managed to fight of the majority but unfortunately one had gotten the best of you and got a hold of you, next thing you know, it had taken a massive chunk out of your arm. You managed to pry it off but already it was too late. Out of anger you knocked it to the ground and picked up the closest heavy object within your reach and continuously smashed the infected's head until you had no remaining energy. You sit, alone, and just cry because at the moment that is all that you could have mustered.

"What the fuck am I gonna do?" You weeped. "I can't go back now, I don't even have anything to put me out of my misery" the worriness in your voice is obvious and you can't help to just keep crying that little bit louder just enough without any infected hearing.

You decide to just keep on moving, far enough so when you turn you won't return to the camp. You think to yourself that you might as well find something to patch up your wound because if you were gonna die, at least make it as painless as possible. Endless hours of continuous walking lead to a nearby lagoon which you were hoping was clean enough to deal with your wound but to be honest at this point anything would have been okay. Once, your wound was semi cleaned, you ripped a bit of your t-shirt and wrap it round your arm to avoid further infection. Not gonna lie, you were a bit confused because surely by now you would have turned or even felt symptoms of turning. Nothing. You take shelter in a nearby cave and this time you're more careful with your surroundings, to avoid a repeat of previous events. A few days had passed and still no signs of turning and as crazy as it sounds, the wound looks as if its beginning to heal? Strange.

Again, a few more days had passed and you were almost fully healed up. "I can't believe it? Am I, i.i.imune or something to all this?" you say in disbelief. "I still can't go back otherwise people will think I'm crazy.... , looks like I'm on my own" you sadly admit. I need to lie low if I want to survive.

You lie low at all times, when hunting, when gathering supplies etc but unfortunately not low enough.

"Hey Tommy, over here. Look the first deer we've seen in weeks" you overhear a grown man whisper to who I'm assuming is his buddy. They seem friendly enough but best not take the risk. "Joel, goddammit I told you to shoot first then tell me, you're gonna scare it aw... Fuck, we scared it away" he stated whilst face-palming "Told you, idiot". Uh oh, the deer is coming towards me, straight towards me fuck. You jumped out of the way to avoid being trampled on but unfortunately in the direction of the two guys you tried so hard to avoid.

Instantly, without thinking they point their weapons at me and all I can do is surrender. "Who are you? Put your hands up where I can see them" the older man commanded and since I was held at gunpoint I had no choice, as I do so my sleeves roll down exposing my bite. "Shit! She's infected!" they yell in panic. "No please, please listen to me, its almost two weeks old.. Please you have to believe me!" I pleaded and pleaded begging for them to believe me. "Shut up, Tommy blind fold her and knock her out" without hesitation that's what happened. Everything goes black.

"Hey, Hey! Wakey Wakey sunshine" I groggily opened my eyes and tried to respond but nothing would come out. "Look, we're not here to hurt you. We believe you, we brought you to meet me someone who'll understand your situation a little bit better than we do" the younger of the two men say with slight smugness in his voice. "Ellie! It's time." Time for what???

Then suddenly the most beautiful young girl comes in and says something that I would never expect another living soul to say.

"So, you're just like me then? Nice to meet you, I'm Ellie"

I'm sorry for the cliff hanger and I apologise if my grammar isn't as great because it's been a while since I've written anything.

Anyways I'm hoping to make this a few parts, I'm not sure how many yet but we'll just have to see.

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