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Wait I'm moving. My brain says as I start to wake up. Wait it's not me! I jump, my heart skips a beat. I shoot my eyes open and my hand frantically grasps my captor, all within a millisecond.

"Easy baby girl." Sean says making me jump, hearing a voice.

Oh, it's just him. I start to feel bad for freaking out. You probably made him upset. Good job Erin. My brain taunts. A tear comes to my eye. I put my head on his should and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You're ok. Just going up to your room."

I can feel that we're going up stairs and then down the hall. He lays me on my bed pulling a blanket over me before brushing my hair out of my face and going to leave.

"Puppy." I say half asleep.

"He's with Signe, he'll be up here soon. Get some rest."

I dose back off.

Some time later I feel something warm get laid beside me. It wiggles and pushes its nose under my arm until I pick my arm up so he can lay right against me. I put my arm around him and he sleeps with his head on my hand and we both go back to sleep.


I sit up and look around my room. The walls are less bare having a few posters hung up of YouTube stuff and movies that I've never seen before.

I hear footsteps coming closer. But they go by and then I hear a door shut. I stand up and fold the blanket mechanically, like at the girls home, before stepping out into the hall. I move towards Sean's office. Before I get to the door, I hear "Three, Two, One" and then a clap. He clears his throats and then he says

"Hello! I know it's been a while since you've heard from me and my break isn't over yet, but I need to announce that I won't be going on tour yet. All the stops will be rescheduled or you can get your money refunded. I hope you'll still come out so we can hang out and enjoy the show.
Ummm. Also because I'm taking more days there won't be the usual two videos a day. starting tomorrow if this goes up the day Im recording this, then there will be one until we run out or I come back.
Right now, I really just want to spend time with family and enjoy their company. So yeah, sorry there's not much to tell you all right now about specifics but soon maybe. I love you guys. I'll see you later.... Bye guys." He sounds so sincere. I smile at the door.
I can hear a faint clicking sound and then a faint "ok... get that sent to Rob-in and there we go. Alright..."

I turn and head back to my room. The puppy whines from his little crate. "What's the matter pup-pup? You need to go outside?"

I walk over and unlatch the door. I scoop him up and leave my room. I turn towards the stairs. When I hear a call from behind me "Erin!" It's Sean. I turn my head to look at him. "Did you uhhh hear me?"

"I was ummmm kinda listening so, yes. I hear footsteps and followed you to your door... what were you doing?"

"I was filming. So as a YouTuber it's my job to make videos to post. And because we knew we were going to adopt you, I took a break," we continue to walk downstairs," So I prerecorded like 20 videos so there could be videos for ten days. Because I didn't know how much I would need off. Now that you're here I see that I need more time to hang out and lay low."

I'm making him miss him job. "So your... you're missing your job because of me?"

He looks a little confused. "Yes and no. I want to spend time with you and get to know your interests and fears. I want to be more than a caretaker I want to love you and," he pauses," be like your dad."

Dad? I've never had a dad... it's always been moms at the home. I only know what the other girls have said about having a dad. "Dad." I test. Sean looks over at me, seeming to be testing it too. I force a slight smile to the corner of my mouth. He smiles too.

I go to the back door and down the steps. Putting Puppy down in the grass. He began to patter around sniffing the grass. I go back and sit on the step.

After he uses the restroom. He finds a stick and flops down to start chewing on it.

"You ready to go in? And chew a toy perhaps?" At the word toy he perks his head up towards me, the stick hanging out if his mouth," yeah come on man." I go over and pick him up, taking him back inside.

I set him down when I shut the door again. "Hey Erin, so I noticed that you haven't called him Corey, I was wondering if you wanted to find him another name?" Sean says from the dining room.

"Uhhhh it's not that I don't like it...." Oh no... how to I say it. "I just... don't think it fits him?"

"That's fine. What do you think then?" Sean says appearing with a cup of coffee.

"Uhhh.." I try to think but nothing comes to me.

"Cooper" comes a voice from down the hall, it's Singe.

"Cooper?" I say softly. The puppy looks up at me from the floor. "Looks like we have a winner." I sit on the couch and watch as Sean kicks a chew toy a couple feet from Cooper and Cooper bounds over to it, picking it up in his mouth, and trotting to the center of the room.

Sean comes over and sits on the other end of the couch. I look at the cup he's holding. "Want to try?" He asks holding the cup towards me.

"Sure." I say taking the cup. I take a cautious sip, not wanting to burn my lip, the steamy liquid is rich with a touch of sweetness. I like it but it's not something I'd drink religiously like he does. I hand it back to him.

"Thanks." He says taking it back and having a sip, savoring it. "Banana milk. It's amazing in coffee."

Banana milk? Huh, ok. I think to myself as I watch Cooper play in the floor.

A new start. (Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now