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"Come on then you, let's get you up and try again." He held my hand tightly, he hasn't done that before! Then the thought came to me again, what then hell am I doing? "Are you alright Jac, you seem confused." "Yes, I'm fine. I'm happy." "Well that's a first!" He laughed loudly whilst I playfully punched his arm. I am happy, I just said that! I have never told anyone how I feel before but I think that I'm gonna have to tell Jonny how I feel, I want to be with fletch. I can't believe it, I would rather be with fletch than with Jonny? I would understand if I was drunk once and I had a one night stand with fletch but I actually want to be with fletch sober! After an hour of walking and resting on and off, I was exhausted. Fletch took me back to my cubicle to get some rest. "Is there anything you want me to do before I go Jac?" "Do me a favour and go and grab Jonny for me, I need a word. " fletch smiled and nodded. I waited around 20 minutes before Jonny finally showed his face. "Hey jac, I heard you are doing very well with your walking. I knew you could do it. When you get out of here, I'm gonna stay with you, we can start things off fresh, together." "No" I stared at him speechless. "What do you mean no, I know it's scary but your gonna be fine." "I need to speak with you Jonny." I pointed to the chair next to my bed and he sat down. " I was vulnerable Jonny, I didn't know what to do. We can't happen again, I'm sorry I really am. We would never work anyway, we didn't before. I just can't go down that path." "There is someone else isn't there. You would rather be with some other sleazy old man than be with me!" "He's isn't sleazy, just calm down. It's very new Jonny, I don't know where it is going to go but I like him." "Well is it someone I know." I stayed silent so Jonny opted for more. "Who is he then, come on tell me." I looked straight past Jonny to fletch that was oblivious to the conversation me and Jonny were having. "It's him isn't it, it's fletch." Jonny screamed so loud it made me jump. He ran up to fletch and punched him on the nose and ran off. "Fletch, don't be a baby. Jonny couldn't punch hard to save his life, it's not that bad!" "What did you tell him about me, I was perfectly fine minding my own business but no, I had to be dragged in to this mess!" "Fletch, I need to talk with you as well." I told him to shut the door and take a seat, he looked worried but he did as he was told. "Jonny punched you as I don't want to be with him anymore." "And can you please tell me what that's got to do with me!" "Your the reason why I don't want to be with Jonny." "Wait, are you telling me that you left Jonny because you want to be together?" I nodded, for some reason I felt ashamed but me and Jonny never worked anyways. His hand touched mine and both me and him jumped. "Are you sure about this Jac? I may seem strong but I'm vulnerable, especially with raf dying and the kids grieving. I would like very much not to get into any other predicaments." "I am sure, how are the kids by the way?" "That is the first time you have ever asked me about my kids! They are hurting very much, especially Mikey. Evie is doing ok although she doesn't tell me much." I nodded my head, Emma has lived with me by herself for all of her life. She sees Jonny on a weekly bases too but we have a quite life. Fletch has 4 kids, Evie is troubled, Mikey is so hyper and then the other ones are so young they are still in nappies and still wetting the bed and all that crap! Their household is hectic, but maybe I'm due for a change, maybe it's for the best. "If you want to try us together then I'm all up for it, I like you Jac, your a challenge and I could do with a challenge to keep me happy. I must warn you though, if we ever get to the stage where you are ready to meet my kids then they may not make you feel as welcome as you would like. The younger ones and Mikey will be ok but I know Evie is still grieving a lot about her mum, a new female figure in her life will scare her but she will get used to you." "If this works out then we have got ourselves into a lot of trouble! 5 children between the both of us, that's a hell of a lot!" "I know but if we like each other that much, we will make it work." Jac smiled but their conversation was interrupted by Evie. "Hi Dad, I'm not going to school today as mrs hemming is back at school and I can't stand her!" "But Evie, you have to go to school!" "Dad, just leave me. I don't want to go!" She walked off into the staff room where she has been multiple times before.

Meanwhile, zosia is waiting for Oliver to come out of theatre


"Hi Dom, have you heard any news about Oliver, I've just took a breather outside so I'm unaware of what's going on." "Oliver is stable, the shrapnel has been mainly Taken out. There is still a small amount left. If we see any sudden change to Olivers memory, they may have to take him in again to see if they can do something about it." "Thank god!" I hugged Dom tight and went to go and find Oliver in recovery, I can't wait for him to feel himself as then we can start again.

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