Hope so

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Evie has been driving me bonkers all morning and I am now in a foul mood. Having 4 kids and going to work is hard as if anything annoys me at home, I bring it to work,  I can't be mean to patients, my job is to make them feel comfortable! I haven't spoken to Jac after our last encounter. I enjoyed sitting with her, even though it was silent, I felt she was vulnerable. She hasn't dared to look at me since but deep down I know she is just itching to speak with me. I walk down the corridor through Darwin and spotted Jac up on her feet. "Hey, I though I told you to take it easy." She jumped at my comment as she wasn't expecting me to speak to her after the silent treatment we have been giving each other. "Sasha said I can go home today, I don't have to stay in bed anymore." "Can I speak with you for a second Jac?" She slowly followed me into her office, as soon as I shut the door she flung her arms around me and I automatically placed my hands on her waist, I don't know what triggered me to do that but I felt it was right. "Are you Ok Jac, you just hugged me!" "Congratulations fletch, you now know how to state the obvious!" I sarcastically looked at her knowing that she was in a rather playful mood unlike usual. "I've heard that your going home today, that sounds promising." "I guess so, Emma is staying with Jonny and I get to have some peace and quiet which is nice." I tried not to frown but my eyes deceived me anyhow. I wasn't sad that Jac was leaving, that would be obscure. I was more confused, I just don't understand where we are going to go from here. She's not gonna be at work for a couple of weeks, I've gotta admit, the red head has charmed me the last week or two and I actually went to bed at night happy and not particularly angry. That's a first!!! I just don't want to rush things, I'm a widow with 4 kids and I work as a male nurse, I've got to admit that life hasn't been kind but come to think of it, life hasn't been that nice for Jac either. Maybe it could work, kind of. I hope so anyway, I really hope so.

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