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I flustered onto the ward taking a large pile of blue folders and rushed over to the locker room. "Your late" Jac barked at me. Even though she was supposed to go home today, she put her self up for one more shift and it had to be with me. I wasn't late, I was just reasonably not on time, that's all. Leaving a wreckage in my path, I flung around the locker room as quickly as I could, getting ready for the big day ahead. I fought with my conscience last night, let's all be honest about the fact that my conscience isn't very reliable. I decided that I was going to tell Oliver about the pregnancy, Arthur kind of forced me into it, I could just reconcile what he would say to me. "You can't keep a baby from him zosia, I would want you to tell me if I was him, just like the great napoleon said, never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence." Even though I'm not so sure what this means, I was happy to listen to someone so wise that they are speaking a complete different language. "Um zosia, where are you going?" I hear Jac hiss as I walk in the direction of the door. "To see Ollie." "Ha, I don't think so, get to work doctor march." "But im kind of in a situation and I really have to tell him." "Well isn't that a shame, quickly go and tell him before I get too worried." I began to walk off but I knew there was a catch. "Do you really think that I have been dumbed down that much, there is nothing more important than doing your job." "But im pregnant." I whisper so quietly in Jac's ear. "Well it's not my fault that Oliver couldn't keep it in his trousers" she said rather too loudly making me blush bright red in the apples of my cheeks. "What was that Jac? Your in love with fletch, well I already know that silly." I grinned at this knowing that it would piss her off, I said it loud enough for many people to hear. "Don't be so incompetent, I don't love Fletch." Almost as if it was supposed to happen, Fletch walked on the ward, his eyes watery and his masculinity shattered. "Oh Fletch, I meant...." but before Jac could say anything else, Fletch was gone. "If you have ruined this for me then you are in for it." She quietly whispered to me whilst pinching me hard in the side of my arm which I tried so silently to squeal at. Fletch will understand, of course he will.

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