Chapter 25: Monsters.

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Demi was waiting at the reception desk in the private section with Elisa clutched onto her hand and standing patiently for her mom to get discharged. They were both redressed with clothes that Wilmer had delivered without her knowledge and neither could wait to escape the horrible place, Demi was sure I was going to send her insane the last few days. Time had gone fast in the hospital but it's been three weeks in there that Demi hated, for her it's been pain; especially the long hours of her becoming more reliable on herself. First it was making sure her stitches were in properly and they taken one last body scan to make sure nothing else had been damaged. Then, she'd demanded to be up on her feet as she was irritated laying in bed with Elisa all day so they allowed her.
After a week she was walking around the hospital like she hadn't nearly lost her life two weeks before from then on she'd built her strength back each day and by the end of the third week the doctors could discharge her.

Everything that the doctors did for Demi had to be delivered and given permission to by Wilmer first (of course Demi didn't know this) and if Demi found this out then she'd definitely defy him. She was stubborn and always tried her best to go against him: since he left her and she was sure he wasn't coming back anymore she thought the man was selfish.

So, as soon as she signed the discharge papers Wilmer had been informed and he'd got a car to wait right outside of the hospital for her. When she left the hospital she caught the sight of Steve and instantly turned the other way wit her daughter, trying her best to forget about the man that had only caused her pain.

"Demi! Please." Steve ran to catch up to her.

"He said I'd be free of all of you so why're you here?" Steve finally had got in front of her causing her to halt.

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't realise he let you go until I returned to the mansion," Demi's eyebrows rose in confusion. "Its a long story, I was gone for a week or two with my family. Anyway, Wilmer ordered I take you wherever you want. So, where will it be?" He smiled but it turned into a frown when Demi turned the opposite way; tugging Elisa's hand to walk faster and continued walking without knowing where.

"I'm not taking anything from him." She hissed, still hurt from his rejection. She'd learnt to trust him over the weeks they'd been together and he ruined it by running away at any signs of realising his true feelings.

"He's an asshole, I agree but he only wants the best for you." She continued walking. "Please Demi. He'll kick my ass if he finds out I let you go by yourself." That's had her stop. She loves Steve, he was one of the most caring man she'd ever met and didn't want Wilmer to her Steve.

"Alright but this isn't for him." Steve nodded and stepped forward to walk her back to the car.

"Oh, I haven't seen you while you was in hospital, I'm awfully sorry. I had to take care of my family but I'm glad your looking gorgeous again." Demi blushed deeply before a smile made its way onto her lips.

"Oh hush, I still have scratches and bruises covering my face and body. I look a mess but it's not painful which is good." Demi grinned as they arrived back to the car and he opened the door for her and Elisa.

"I don't care what you think. You look beautiful, and so do you little one." Steve smiled at Elisa as she climbed into the vehicle whereas Demi stayed by the opened door with Steve.

"Thank you Steve." She said.

"Demi," Steve quickly held onto Demi's wrist before she attempted to get into the vehicle. "I know you may not want to hear this, but when he thought he lost you he didn't sleep for days trying to find you. I've never seen him as scared as I did when he found you in that room with blood covering the floors. I've seen him loose his two sisters and I've seen him almost loose his mother but I've never seen him in such a panicked yet deluded state. Just before you leave, I thought you should hear it from me since I've witnessed every part of his life. You, have changed his life and it's finally shown a better him. He loves you, he was just scared of loosing you."

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