Chapter 26: Sisterly Love.

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Wilmer settled in his office with Dallas and Steve across from him. He was more than eager to find out what exactly Demi's parents where hiding as he'd wanted to know from the day Demi told him about Dallas.

"I have a camera on her right now, here." Wilmer turned the TV on from across the room and the security camera from Demi's parents house instantly lit up on the screen. He weren't looking at the TV but more at Dallas' reaction while she stared at her sister that was peacefully sleeping with Elisa in her arms.

"She's beautiful. I always knew she was going to grow up breaking guys hearts." She smiled at the screen before scrunching her eyes in curiosity.

"Is that her daughter? Oh God, I missed out on my nieces life! She was probably so scared when she had to give birth, who's the father?" Dallas threw out questions at the pair.

"It's not exactly her daughter. The little girls parents died so Demi kinda... took her in." Dallas only stared in more confusion so Steve shook his head. "Sweetheart, there's a lot that's happened in her life over the last few weeks and we will tell you everything but for now we will need you to tell us about your parents and how Demi is in danger."

Dallas nodded in agreement. "My mom and has always been strict parents, ever since we were little, they'd only allow us in certain rooms in our house. When I was twelve curiosity got the best of me and I went into the basement with my friend, my dad seen us and got so mad. He locked me in my room for two weeks with barely any food and daily beatings. Ever since then I made sure I and Demi weren't seen in them rooms."

"What was in there?" Wilmer questioned.

"All those years we grew up there only to realise my dad was keeping children down there. He'd steal them from their families and force them into things, including sex. I found out when I was seventeen, I-I accidentally opened a door to one of the ro-oms and my f-father he- he was- raping a girl." Dallas stopped before turning to Steve, grabbing onto him.

"I- I screamed and screamed at him to get off her, he did and when he did-" she licked her dry lips before continuing, "I've never seen him with such a devious look before, he terrified me so I ran to mom. I quickly told her what I'd seen but throughout the story mom didn't even seem fazed, she simply told me 'we have a business running, how'd you think we make all this money?' We lived in a big house, and my father was rich but he'd always told us he worked for a big company. They made money of people selling their children to them so they could sell them for a higher price on the market. I was so disgusted, then she told me not to speak of this to Demi and of course, I obliged. She was only seven years old and didn't deserve to know the truth but my main reason of panic was if they were going to force Demi into everything."

"They didn't did they? I'll kill them if-"

Dallas cut Wilmer off. "They didn't. Mom always told me that Demi wasn't going to be dragged into the same place they were and although I was grateful for that, it didn't stop me from wanting to help those little girls escape. On August 14th, 2000 (just before Demi's 8th birthday), I waited until people brought more girls in the house, then I rang the police to be here immediately. They came and destroyed my father's business. When he found out it was me that called them he hit me, then he threw me out. He told me I was disgrace to the family and now they were going to loose all their money and he'd be sent to jail. I didn't care about that. All I cared about was my little sister but my father wouldn't let me see her. He threatened me, telling me if I didn't take this plane ticket to America then he'd kill me: I knew he would. From all the years I'd seen that, watching him torture that little girl in that room when I was eighteen proved to me what a monster he is. So he gave me a plane ticket to America and I left. You don't know how many times I thought about my sister and questioned if she was still breathing."

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