Jade's Letter to Jake That She Was Too Afraid To Send

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Dear Jake,

When you're with someone else, I feel torn down. I feel like every step I take is heavier, and everywhere I go seems dull and colorless. When you come closer to me, just your appearance lights up any room. I want to just play a love song on the radio and slow dance with you, but whenever you're on the dance floor, you're with her.
I've loved you Jake, and I never want to let you go. I know that you love someone else, but I feel like every step you take with her, is a step in the wrong direction. I've been waiting for you Jake, I've been very patient because I know one day you'll finally see me for more than a friend, more than a best friend.

I wish to shout my feelings to you from the rooftop, but I'm too afraid to because I have no idea how you'll react. If you don't like me back, we may drift apart. If we do try to create that perfect love story, I fear that we may just make it fall apart. At that party, I wanted to kiss you because I didn't know who was going to love you when I left. I guess now is too late, I waited too long. You've found someone. Just know that you've stolen my heart, and no one else can take it.

-Your Best Friend,


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