Date One

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Hey guys, It's Emily here. I haven't been writing any parts in this book lately because as you already know, Jade and I aren't best friends. I also don't like writing so it took me a long time to write this chapter mainly because I would pause and check out Instagram, a lot. I'm sure Jade does that as well, but not as often as me, I don't think anyone checks as often as I do. If there was a Guinness World Record of most visits on Instagram, I would win by a long shot at this school.

Whenever I check on Instagram I usually check Jake's account first, and he always looks stunning whether he's vacationing in Hawaii or just saying hi to his friends around the halls. He really is the best guy on campus, and I'm glad that I actually get a shot with him. So far we're taking it slow, but it's been a few weeks and we've been so caught up in homework and Jasper's parties that we never officially went on a date yet. Week three is when Jake would ask me.

When I was walking home from school a light blue car with a little rust followed me slowly. The front windows rolled down showing Jake driving and Tyler in the front. The back windows rolled down displaying Kendra on my left and Jasper on the right, obviously the power couple at this school. I asked Kendra if she actually likes Jasper but she keeps on blushing and declining, that's a yes in my book.

The car pulled over as I stopped near the first crosswalk on my route to home. Jake opened up his door and walked up to me and held my hands. He looked into my eyes and seemed a little nervous.
"Hey," He said kind of awkwardly.

"Hi Jake," I said, returning the awkward feeling.

"So," Jake paused and took a deep breath.

"Get on with it we have a study session!" Kendra said as she looked at Jasper then at us.

"Do you want to go on our first date to Rozinat?" Jake asked.

"Of course!" I said as we hugged.
"Mission complete dude!" Tyler told Jake as he stepped out of the car and walked over to us, giving Jake a bro hug. I giggled.

"See you at six?" Jake inclined.
"Okay, meet you there," I said as I turned away from my friends and began walking down to the corner.

After everyone had returned to the car, the windows rolled up and I heard chuckles and congratulations coming from all sides. If he got this much praise, Jake must have been meaning to ask me for a while, and I'm glad he finally did.

As I walked back home, I kept on imagining how our date would turn out. Would we kiss under the candle light like so many romantic novels we read in Freshmen year? If my love fantasy was going to happen, then I would have to of course complete all of my homework, my parents were very strict about work, like Jade's.

I grew up in a Catholic family, and we are one of the most religious people around. Due to our religion, we are supposed to never lie to our parents and always believe in the path God sets for you. I would attend church every Sunday and pretend to be listening when really I did the sweatshirt earbud trick. I wear a nice long sleeved dress shirt and put my phone in my pant's pocket. As it plays some pop station from Spotify, I put the earbuds under my sleeves and lean my head on my hand so I could hear the music. I was never caught and the main reason is because my parents think I'm their perfect little daughter who has never committed a sin in her life, so I am always least suspected when someone else says I did something wrong.
The worst part about having to complete my homework before any leisure activities is the fact that I get the bad teachers, the teachers that silence every student when they walk down the halls, the teachers that everyone's afraid of, the teachers that assign nine page essays due tomorrow when they know you have to study for different subjects, those teachers. Everyone has had at least one of these teachers in your life, and because they're so common, it's not a surprise when most students talk about them on a daily basis. I have all of the bad teachers, for each subject, and when I told my class mate they said that my schedule was cursed and I should talk to the counselor and beg for mercy, for another teacher, for a less threatening period. The fact that if I don't complete this lesson perfectly they will humiliate me in front of the whole class the next day scares me, so I give those classes my all. The only sliver of freedom I have in my life is when tutorial rolls around.

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