Chapter 2

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Aurora's POV

Monday 31st March

I arrived at work ten minutes early for my first day at the new cafe in the bottom of town. My new boss, Lizey, told me that I would be starting at 7:30am every morning, as part of a test they were running for earlier opening times. I would work alone for half an hour as there would naturally be less customers so early in the morning, then I would work a normal day with everyone else from 8am until 4:30pm, only weekdays. I made sure that I would have the weekends to study. I didn't want to waste the whole time at work.

The first day was pretty uneventful. I still thought a lot about Sam during the day and I kept thinking that I saw him come into the cafe, but it always turned out to be someone else who looked slightly similar to him.

The next day I started my early morning shifts. I guess I was a bit scared of what to do when I was there by myself - what if suddenly loads of customers came in? I'm not great under pressure but I hoped it wouldn't be too busy.

About five minutes after my shift started, the first customer came in. A middle-aged woman who was obviously in a huge rush. Great. Someone who would get annoyed if I was too slow or did something wrong.

'£2.45 please', I looked up and smiled and to my surprise she smiled back. I guess not everyone is bad, I thought to myself. I had expected the worst and I was wrong, which gave me a lot more confidence. She thanked me warmly and left me to my own devices again. To be honest this was pretty boring, and there was hardly anyone around.

I got out my phone and checked Snapchat. Nothing. Presumably no one else was even awake. Ugh. I was startled by the noise of the door opening, I had completely zoned out. The guy who walked in was young, maybe a couple of years older than I was, and pretty good looking.

'Medium iced latte, please. Take out', he said. I smiled and asked for £3. As I started pouring the drink, I could feel him watching me. I looked up and he went a bit red - he obviously knew that I could tell he was watching me.

I used that moment to get a better look at him. He had ashy blonde hair and blue eyes, and a smile which revealed perfectly straight white teeth. I turned back and finished making his drink.

He thanked me as I handed over the drink and smiled again. I returned the smile and we made awkward eye contact for a bit until he turned to leave. Wow. Not exactly what I was expecting on my first proper day at work.

For once I didn't think about Sam during the day. I remembered him when I walked past his parents' house on the way home but I didn't think about him for long. Instead I thought about the new customer, I mean he was pretty cute and he was more interesting than all the other customers. I didn't really know what to think of my new job but it was better than a lot of other things so I was pretty glad.

Medium Iced LatteWhere stories live. Discover now