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Hazels POV

I didn't sleep too well last night because my brain kept thinking about yugyeom.
I hauled myself out of my bed and put my dressing gown over my pajamas.

when I got downstairs, mark and jinyoung were in the kitchen making breakfast.
I smiled at them, too scared to say anything in fear of blurting something out, and sat down on a stool in front of the kitchen counter.

"woah, mark helping jinyoung cook? That's not something you see every morning"
Jackson said while having a seat next to me

"good morning to you too Jackson, morning hazel"
mark said while stepping over to us

"morning you two"
jinyoung said, flashing a small grin

I smiled back and played with my fingers on the countertop. I couldn't get the thought of yugyeom off my mind. I feel like I have to tell someone, just so I'm not keeping it in.

I clearly couldn't tell Jackson because he'd flip out. I wasn't really sure if jaebum or youngjae would feel comfortable dealing with the situation. I knew that mark or bam would instantly tell yugyeom as they were the ones taking photos of last nights incident.
I decided on jinyoung because even though I'm close with all the guys, jinyoung, other than Jackson, seems the most like a brother.

I said, the word coming out less nervous sounding like I was expecting

he replied looking back up from the fry pan

"could I talk with you after breakfast please?"

Before jinyoung could answer, Jackson butted in

"If you have a problem, you know you can always come and talk to me"
he glanced over at jinyoung and focused his eyes back on me

Can he read my mind?!

"Um, it's not a problem, I just feel like me and jinyoung... need to catchup"

"yeah sure no problem, breakfast is ready now!"
Jinyoung said grinning again

we all carried the plates over to the table and sat down with the other boys who were already out
I sat next to bambam and jinyoung sat to the left of me.

I looked across the table and looked at yugyeom, I was still embarrassed about what happened last night. he looked up at me and I quickly averted my gaze back to my plate.

as I finished eating, I turned my head to jinyoung. He looked up and whispered
"how about that chat now?"

we both got up and set our plates in the kitchen before walking upstairs and sitting down on the end of my bed.

"so.. I do actually have a problem. I just... don't want Jackson to know right now"

"oh, well you can tell me all about it,  I'm here for you"
jinyoung responded with a calming smile

here it goes.

"Well, I like yugyeom"

I feel like it came out more like a question rather than a statement but at least it was out. I continued babbling..

"I've liked him for a long while now but after I fell asleep on him last night, I felt really embarrassed and now I'm totally scared and nervous to be around him and I feel really awkward. I don't know what to—"

"hazel.. hazel calm down. Its natural to have a crush on someone you're close with"

"but why am I feeling so weird about it now? I normally feel like I can be casual and chilled out around him, but after last night, my cheeks haven't cooled down"

I touched my cheek again just to check, they were still burning

"well you never know how he feels, maybe you should speak to him"

"I'm way too scared for that"

"just take your time, do it whenever you feel ready"

I'm glad he understood, it gives me piece of mind knowing that my secret is safe with someone I can trust.

"now I understand why you couldn't tell Jackson"
He said with a chuckle

"yeah, I don't really know how he'll take the news if he knows I have feelings for one of his band members"

"well, your secrets safe with me. We better get back downstairs before the others decide what to do today"

"thankyou so much jinyoung, I'll come to you if anything else happens. You're really a big help"
I said while giving him a hug

We walked back downstairs together and met the rest of the boys in the living room.

Yugyeoms POV

I walked down the hallway to grab my phone off my bed and stopped at my bedroom door. I heard voices

"I don't really know how he'll take the news if he knows I have feelings for one of his band members"

she must be hiding something from Jackson. she also must have feelings for whoever is in the room with her.
I grabbed my phone and got out of there quickly
I let out a sigh and walked back out into the living room.

I sat down and aimlessly scrolled around on my phone.
Hazel walked downstairs minutes later with jinyoung.

My guess was right.

She did like him.


I feel REALLY cheesy writing this, I'm sorry if it's really predictable

anyways I keep laughing while picturing an angry yugyeom😂

I tried to make it longer and I know I say this a lot but more drama is coming!

Thankyou for reading 💖

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