Move in Day

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"Hey mom, does this box need to come out?" Bonnie asked her mother. They had just moved to Newport from Hawaii. She wasn't exactly thrilled about it bur she wasn't mad at her mother either for making her move. Her single mother had just gotten a new job that would help a lot with their financial problems. Of course she didn't really want to leave Jessica, who had been her best friend for her whole life. Her mother had enough problems of her own without her teenager becoming rebellious and making it harder. 

"yes Bonnie, thank you." 

"You know I'm always happy to help." 

"Yes, but not only for the boxes. For everything. I always though that moving would be hard , but you, you made it a lot easier for your little brother and me. Thank you for not complaining." 

Bonnie smiled, "I love you Mom," she said then hugger her. Their embrace ended and Bonnie reached for the box. "Ok, well I'm going to take this inside." 

"Wait Bonnie, that's the last thing that need to be done. I'll take that and you can go down to the beach. Meet some new friends; most of the teenagers down there will be going to your school." 


"Bonnie," her mother said as she grabbed the box, "go have some fun, you deserve it," then she smiled at her only daughter before walking towards their new apartment. 

Bonnie didn't really want to go, she was shy and didn't want to be known as the new girl quite yet. But she was glad that all their belongings had arrived because at least she could go surfing. She quickly ran inside. Her ten year old brother was still asleep in the car so she hurries so she wouldn't have to take him too. She found the box that said "beach stuff", her bathing suit was in there. After much digging, she finally found her blue bikini. It wasn't great for surfing but her mom had promised her a new wet suit after their move because her old one had ripped a seam. 

The bikini would have to do. 

She slipped the suit on then looked in her mirror that was on her closet door, inside her new room. She studied her 5'4'' frame, her light brown curly hair, and ocean blue eyes. She had to make sure she looked good. She wanted to make a good first impression in case she actually did end up meeting people from her new school. She grabbed a towel and as she walked out the door she hoped that she wouldn't be scared and that she would meet a girl who could become a good friend. Those were always important. Her board was leaning on the car, she grabbed it and walked off in the direction of the beach. She was sure that these waves would be nothing compared to the ones in Hawaii but she was glad that she could still surf, being that it was one of her favorite things to do. She looked around at her new town. There were surf shops everywhere so she knew the beach couldn't be far. 

She loved the smell of the beach. The ocean, the sand, it reminded her of Hawaii and she loved that. The waves weren't really good for surfing but she hoped they'd be ready later. Once the tied rose again. She walked on to the beach and put her board down before lying on her towel. The sand beneath her felt so warn and soft... she could just... fall... asleep...

When she awoke from her nap that waves were a lot bigger. She stood up, grabber her board, and headed down to the water. She had never surfed anywhere but Hawaii. She wondered if it would be very different but then decided the ocean was... the ocean, no matter where she was. She couldn't wait to fell the wet sand in between her toes and the water rushing towards her. At this thought, she started to run a bit faster until she met the water's edge. Then she paused, closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the ocean's calm breeze blew past her. She ran further then when she was deep enough, jumped onto her board and swam out to catch a wave. Some people might have called the water cold, maybe even freezing, but Bonnie called it refreshing. A nice wave good for riding came along but Bonnie just watched another surfer caught it. The next wave, she thought, was going to be hers. Finally a good wave came along and she caught it right away. This thrilled her, the sensation of standing on a wave. 

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