Not Like a Date

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Liked? Did she just say 'Liked', Dean asks himself. Liked means that it's in the past. She doesn't like him anymore. He was already losing before he even had a real chance. But he had promised himself at the beach that he would fight. So he runs to Bonnie and grabs her arm. "I'm sorry Bonnie. I didn't mean it like that."

"Then how did you mean it?"

"I meant it as, I want to get to know you better. I think you're really kind and unbelievably beautiful. The words just came out wrong." his 'new phrasing' made Bonnie blush. But in a different way than Chance did. He kept going, "It just hurt me a little. I mean I invited you so that I could spend time with you and when Chance likes a girl he gets that girl. I have no other way to put it so I guess you could say I was jealous."


"Yeah Bonnie. I can't say if I like you like that or not, but I can say that I have a crush on you and I want to get to know you. And first and foremost be your friend."

"Yeah?" Bonnie asks quietly.

"Yes." Dean answers firmly and with confidence. "So... since we live so close to each other and you already told me earlier today that you would meet me at the beach tomorrow... what if we just meet out here at six and go together?"

Bonnie smiles, "Yeah, sounds good." Then she hesitates, "Wait but not like a date right?" She says quickly. Then blushes in embarrassment.

"um... why not?" Dean asks, feeling slightly confused.

"This is kind of embarrassing but I'm not allowed to date until I'm sixteen."

Dean laughs, "That's not embarrassing. I wasn't allowed to date until I was fifteen."

"Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course. Not like a date, just two friends hanging out together."

"Thanks for understanding." There is silence as the two smile at each other, "I should probably head in. Bye Dean."

"Bye," Dean replies, "random question though, just wondering, how long is it until you're sixteen?"

Bonnie chuckles, "I'll be sixteen in January."

"cool, bye Bonnie." He pulls her into a hug and whispers under his breath so quietly that Bonnie can barely hear it, "for you, I can wait that long."

Bonnie pulls away and smiles at Dean. "bye," she says quietly and then walks into her house.

"How was it? Did you have fun?" Bonnie's mom asks right as she walks through the door.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Dean is really nice." Bonnie says in a dreamy voice.

"Well, I'm glad you had fun. But you know you can't date yet."

"Yeah, I know. He said he'll wait for me."

Her mother laughs making her Bonnie feel the cheesiness of Dean's words, "don't worry, these next few months before your birthday will go by like that." She snaps her fingers for emphasis. "Oh and just a reminder, your curfew is eleven. But since this is your first time ever going past curfew and you've been so amazing during the move. I'll led you slide. Just don't let it happen again."

"Thanks mom. You're the best." Ashley goes to give her a tight hug, "Good night, love you. Oh and one last thing. I'm going surfing with Dean in the morning. But not like a date."

Her mom chuckles, "okay have fun. Goodnight sweetie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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