Dean's Revelation

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Dean had no idea why this was bothering him so much. He had barely met Bonnie and he still hated seeing her with Chance. He was the one that brought her. He usually wasn't attracted to the same girls as Chance but he obviously was this time. Usually Chance's tactics didn't bother him this much so he was trying to figure our why. All of a sudden the answer came to him. Ashley was different. She was innocent and kind and confident. Chance didn't date girls like that. He dated girls who only cared about their appearance. He made them feel really good about themselves then made them hate themselves when he found someone else. he never made a girl his girlfriend and had cheated on girls more than once. Sometimes even with her best friend. He was a jerk and yeah, Dean didn't like it but they had been friends since third grade and not they were in football together. As co- captains this year. Even if he tried he wouldn't be able to get away from him. But even if he didn't have a 'small' crush on Bonnie, he still wouldn't want to see her get hurt; she was new, a sophomore, and like he said-- different.

Dean looks at them again. Bonnie is roasting a marshmallow and talking to Chance next to her. All of a sudden Bonnie's marshmallow goes up in a flame. "Oh no!" She tries to blow it out but can't, "Chance help! My marshmallow is burning."

"Here bring it closer to me." He laughs as she moves her skewer closer to his face and he blows it out for her.

"Oh no, I don't like it burnt," She puts a little pouty face on. Then her marshmallow starts to droop and falls off completely. She just stares at it then they both start laughing.

"Looks like you won't have to worry about that." Chance goes and grabs another marshmallow "Here. Let me help you."

Chance was such a player. He was only going to help her to get closer to her. Dean tried to think of a way to stop it. He wasn't going to just sit on the sidelines anymore, he was going to fight for her. He looked at his phone it was getting late, he wouldn't be able to do it tonight, but he knew that he wasn't going to just let Chance have her.

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