Chapter 6 ~ Cha Sal

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I screamed. I thought my voice was my only weapon at that moment in time. Or maybe it was normal in South Korea for a screaming girl to be abducted by a group of guys with oversized clothes.

“Jun!” they yelled over my shriek, which I was glad had caught the attention of many. “Tell your sister to shut up.”

“Cha Sal,” Yae Jun called out to me. “Please, for one night. Endure just one night for me.”

If this is the way he treats his girlfriend or his sister or whatever I was pretending to be, what a dissipated person.

I didn’t stop screaming, and thankfully, the ‘security’ or whatever those people in blue uniform are came and asked the group of guys to let me go.

“Miss, are you alright,” the security asked me as I stopped screaming. No I wasn’t alright, I thought.

Yae Jun took my arm and told me to come with him, I pushed his arm away.

“Miss, do you know him?” they asked me pointing to Yae Jun.

I shook my head vehemently. “Sir, would you please come with us.”

I wasn’t making eye contact with him, but I could feel Yae Jun looking at me.

“Miss, what about this group? Have they harassed you?”

I nodded.

“What?! We were trying to help this girl,” said the guy that was feeling me.

“Yes,” said the other. “That guy,” he pointed at Yae Jun, “was sexually harassing her and we were stopping him! She’s our little sister…”

The officer looked to me, but then Yae Jun said, “that’s true. I was sexually harassing their little sister, and then they came to pick a fight with me. I am very regretful for my actions.”

What? I shook my head vigorously. The officer looked questioningly at Yae Jun and then at the group and then at me.

“Would you please explain the story to me, miss?” It was Yae Jun and the entire group against me. And I knew I couldn’t talk or else I’ll be discovered. So I just ran away as fast as I could.

“Ya,” screamed Yae Jun after me. “Cha Sal!” he called to me. Cha Sal. Suicide. That’s what I need to do right this very moment. Was he asking me to suicide or calling me by the nickname he had given me? Either way, I was going to do it.

I saw stairs to a second floor, which is significantly high up. I looked up and saw that there was an opening with a railing on the second floor; there was an opportunity for me to throw myself off.

I ran up the stairs. The officers were following me and calling for me to stop. I sprinted towards where the railing was. I felt tears fall down my eyes. This was it, my final moments in life. What I miserable ending. I climbed up and jumped.

When I didn’t land on hard ground, I was somewhat relieved. I wasn’t hurt at all. But the person who broke my fall was definitely hurt. His head had hit a corner, and so I saw the blood.

“Yae Jun!” I screamed when I saw him like that. I didn’t know why I cared, but I did.

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