A Stydia/Stalia Lovestory part 5

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Lydia was alone in her room, just thinking, about everything that had happened. She thought about Allison, she thought about everything that had happened in the past year. Lydia wanted Stiles to be happy, and from the looks of it, he was, with Malia. She kept thinking how she wants to be the one who made him happy, she kept thinking how she was being selfish but she couldn't help it, she wanted him all to herself.

"I really wish you were here right now, I don't know what to do." Lydia said as her eyes started to fill up with tears. "I love him, I do, and I know if you were here, you would say, I told you so, and you would laugh, so I could see your beautiful smile again. I miss you, Allison." Lydia was quietly sobbing into her pillow when she was interrupted by her phone buzzing. It was a message, from Stiles that read " Meet me at the lacrosse field at midnight." Lydia's heart started to race as she read those words, she stood there just looking at her phone, just wondering and wishing, she felt afraid and at the same time, overjoyed. At first she didn't know what to do, then she thought to herself, "If Allison were here, I know what she'd say, go for it." Lydia gathered up her courage she got in her car and drove, she knew what she had to do, she was going to tell him, she was going to tell Stiles everything.

A few moments later Lydia was getting out of her car onto the empty lacrosse field, it was freezing and she could barely see anything because of the fog, "Stiles? Where are you?" she shouted. Lydia looked around her, she thought of everything that had happened there, she was afraid, she turned around to walk back to her car, then she heard his voice. "Lydia." she heard Stiles say. She turned to see him standing in front of the goal on the field, her heart began to flutter as she stood there, just looking at him before she finally started walking towards him, and he did the same. She stopped just one foot way from him, Stiles opened his mouth to say what needed to be said but he didn't get a chance as Lydia was the one who started to speak.

"Stiles before you say anything I can't go another second without telling you this, ever since that day I came to your house and saw you with Malia, I've been slowly dying inside because I wanted that to be me Stiles!" Lydia was starting to choke up, Stiles saw a tear rolling down her face he stepped closer to her and started to say

"Lydia I -" but he was cut of by Lydia exclaiming, "You shouldn't be with Malia Stiles, you should be with me, and I know it's selfish of me to say that especially since you've been so happy with her, and that's all I've ever wanted for you!"

Lydia said looking into his eyes and sobbing.

"I love you Stiles, and I know you love me to, just look me in the eye and tell me you don't feel something for me, and I'll walk away."

Stiles smiled at her, and let out a small laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Lydia asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"I just poured my heart out and all you can do is give me that same goofy grin you've given me for the past few years?"

Without saying a word, Stiles grabbed Lydia and kissed her on her lips, he held her in his arms as if he would never let her go, when Lydia realised what was happening, the look of surprise disappeared from her face and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, her hands ruffled his hair as his hand grabbed her waist and they stood there for a few seconds in a tight embrace with their lips still locked together as one. As Stiles backed away, he gently clasped the side of her face in his hand, looked deeply into her green eyes and said,

"I love you to Lydia, I always have and I always will, I'm sorry for what I did with Malia, but I should've known from the start that, you were the only person who my heart truly belonged to."

Lydia stood there, just frozen in place with her eyes and her mouth wide open. A panicked look appeared on Stiles's face as he saw that Lydia was silent,

"Oh my god! I can't believe I just said that, that must have sounded so cheesy, I didn't mean it, I mean of course I meant it but just not-"

"Just shut up and kiss me Stiles." Lydia said laughing.

A huge Smile appeared across Stiles's face as he took Lydia in his arms again.

She looked in to his beautiful brown eyes and said, "It wasn't cheesy Stiles, it was everything I ever wanted to hear you say, and you said it, I just wish you hadn't waited this long."

"It's the wait that made it special Lydia, waiting for you was torture, seeing you with those other guys, but now none of that matters cause, it's just you and me now Lydia." Lydia couldn't help but smile at what Stiles had said. Stiles just stood there, looking into her eyes.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked as she cupped his face in her hands, "Everything ok?"

"It's just, I'm looking at you and wondering, how did I get so lucky?"

"I'm wondering that to." Lydia said smiling.

Stiles shook in his head and laughed, he kissed her and then said "To answer your question, ya everything's ok, in fact everything is perfect, I love you Lydia."

"I love you to Stiles."

And with that, they kissed and both melted away into a state of pure bliss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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