Part 14- Morning, Harp x

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A/N Thank you for 100 reads! I am loving writing this and I hope you are loving reading it just as much :)

Caitlin's POV-

I woke up feeling sick as usual. Only 2 more days until me and Jack go find out if it's his, then it won't be long until I'm no longer expecting. Can't wait, because frankly I haven't gotten a pregnancy glow, I've gotten sick and tired... also hungry. I got up and walked straight to the kitchen. Wow, we have like no food. Fun. Well, guess I'm gonna raid Harry's fridge. I still haven't told anyone, me and Jack said we would tell people when we figured out 1) who's it is and 2) if we're keeping it (I hope the fuck not though). I pulled on one of Harry's hoodies over my vest and shorts and slipped on some shoes. The trip to the boy's flat seems to get shorter the more I go there. Hey, eventually I'll just be living there! Anyway, I made it to the flat and let myself in. Harry was watching TV and I could hear Cal recording with Callum. I opened the cupboard and got out some cereal, then I got milk out of the fridge and made myself some breakfast. I picked up my  bowl and slumped down onto the sofa next to Harry. I got comfortable, crossing my legs and watching what Harry was, Rick and Morty, I think.

"Morning, Harp." He hummed, keeping his concentration on the TV.

"Morning, Lewis. Think you forgot something." I smiled tapping my cheek. He laughed and leaned over planting a kiss on my cheek. That was kind of our thing, so if either of us ended a greeting e.g good morning, good night, thank you, with our last names whoever started it has to kiss the other person. It's not always a full on kiss, in fact most the time it's just a kiss on the cheek or forehead. It all came from when Harry first kissed me and now we always do it. I think it's sweet.

"No food at yours?" Harry asked nodding at the cereal I was eating.

"Nope, and I am fucking hungry." I giggled, making him laugh in return. 

"You ok at the moment? I just feel like you aint telling me something." Harry turned to face me, unluckily I had my face stuffed full of food. I slowly removed the spoon from my mouth.

"Um yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled, looking at my feet. Alright I am shite at lying, can you blame me?

"Oh, well ya know whatever it is I wouldn't judge you. I don't think I could physically bring myself to judge you." He laughed. I nodded shyly and placed my bowl on the coffee table. Leaning into Harry I sighed and looked into his eyes, for the first time since I got the news I just started crying. I've noticed I do a lot of that. "Oh, babe, c'mon. Everythings gonna be alright." He pulled me into a hug and we just sat. Babe. He called me babe...aww. I am so telling Amelia when I get ho... nope. Then I would have to tell her about me crying and I am not in the mood for explaining shit. The thing about mine and Harry's relationship is we ask questions after the person has stopped crying, and to be fair you get better answers then. We sat silently cuddling on the sofa. Once I stopped crying I sat in between his legs. He played with my hair and I felt relaxed, for the first time in a while. Me and Harry are not dating, we're what Callum calls a 'thing'. It where you do a lot of the stuff people in relationships do, except you don't go on dates or label it. He says most couples go through a 'thing' stage, so he recons me and Harry are gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend eventually. I would honestly love that, but with the way my life is going at the moment I'm sure something will go wrong. So, although I am calm, I am always waiting for something to go wrong.

"Thank you, Lewis." I said turning to face him.

"Anytime, Harp." He spoke a smirk plastered onto his face. My turn. I placed my hand onto his face and pulled him onto my lips. It felt nice being in control, why don't girls initiate the kiss more often? 

"Ew Callum they're making out again." Cal groaned as he walked into the living room.

"Ah young love." Callum sighed as he joined Cal.

"Alright grandpa." Cal laughed setting us all off. Harry winked at me as we sat back in our original position. Cal and Callum joined us and we mainly spent the day like that. I filmed a truth or dare with Cal and Harry around 6.00 and went home around 9.00. The day went like a blur, in all honesty.

1 more day.

Just 1 more day.

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