|Chapter One|

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Y/n lounged on the sand, eyes closed, trying to soak up the remaining sunlight from the day. Her brother Brady was out surfing with his girlfriend Mack, spending their day racing waves and goofing around with each other. While Y/n did love the water, it was a second home to her, she wasn't ever good at surfing. She just couldn't balance on the board, and always toppled into the water.

Brady had tried teaching her, for years, but she gave up attempting surfing, and just swam and watched Brady surf, as much as her brother could be annoying, he was a pretty good surfer.

Instead of being a surfer, Y/n's talent was in art. She was particularly good at painting, and she helped paint designs on the surfboards at Big Poppa's surf shop, the one Mack's grandfather owned.

Y/n was just about to get up from her small nap, a rush of cold water was thrown on her. She shrieked, eyes flashing open and scrambling off the soaked sand. She turned around to see Brady grinning, clutching an empty bucket.

"You had a little sand on you" he says. Y/n growled, and Brady yelped, and began running down the beach

"Brady get back here!"


After getting revenge on Brady (dumping sand down his swimsuit) Y/n met go with Mack and decided to go back to her Grandpas. Brady and Mack's hands were intertwined, and Y/n lagged behind a couple of steps, watching the two. Brady still walked a bit funny, after not getting all the sand out.

"Best.Summer.Ever!" Brady called out into the air.

"Shout that louder, I don't think China heard you" Y/n grinned at her brother. Brady opened his mouth, possibly to reshout, but Mack covered it, and Brady jerked away, spitting

"I got sand in my mouth!" He huffs, wiping his mouth, and spit again "now salt!" He howled. Mack laughed, but it was almost forced, and Y/n peered at her friend, frowning. She glanced back at her, and shook her head.

"Listen....Brady-" Mack started nervously, but Brady cut her off

"Ooh did you hear about tomorrow?" Brady grins at Mack, Y/n rolled her eyes

"Hear we go"

"Yeah" Mack says "Can you believe they're talking about 40- foot waves!"

"Its a huge storm coming in from the North"

"Surf like that only happens once every 30 years!" Brady turned to look back at his sister, who was starring out at the ocean

"Are you gonna surf Y/n?" He asks. Y/n looks over at Brady, and gave him a small smile

"Probably not, 40 foot waves and me don't go well"

"You'll watch though, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it" she grins.

"Summer's not over yet! Whoo!' Brady called out, making the girls laugh. "Race you to the house!"Brady bounded up the steps to the surf shop, Y/n quickly followed Brady, leaving Mack behind to stand by the water "I clearly won" Brady teased

"Yeah yeah" Y/n gasped for breath, climbing the steps as Mack followed, chuckling at the two.

"I say tomorrow we hit the beach early for that awesome surf" Brady declares, entering the house. Y/n walked past the two, and to where Mack's grandfather was. She could hear Mack's nervous voice


"Wait, hear that?" He walks towards where Mack's grandfather was, who was working on a new surfboard. Y/n watched the board, gesturing to a part

Lines In The Sand {Butchy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now