|Chapter Six|

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Meanwhile at Big Mommas

The restaurant was empty except for the surfer boys and Brady. Light music played in the background and a few of the boys were playing card games while Tanner played pool. Brady strode past the boys to where Seacat was looking out the window, and firing a slingshot.

"What's up?" He asked Seacat.

"Man, its wigged out. I keep missing" Seacat says in annoyance, peering out the window

"What are you trying to do?"

"Its this game I play" He starts, drawing back the rubber band on the slingshot, and released it, making the bird screech and Seacat huffs. "Where I shoot stuff and I try to hit that angry bird"

Brady cock's his head, and then grins "Wait a minute, angry....ha" Brady laughs as Seacat shoots the slingshot again. Brady walked away to leave Seacat to his bird mauling. Brady walks down the steps to the stage, and to where Tanner was playing pool. "So all you do around here is hang, eat, and surf?"

"Is there any other way?" Tanner says, shooting the white cue ball into the multicolored triangle placed ones.

"Sounds..... Perfect" Brady sighs, almost longingly. He glances at Tanner "There sure are some boo-ha beauties around here, like that girl Lela?" Brady says, trying to get a reaction from the surfer. A voice from behind him answered

"The Rodent?" Brady turns to see Seacat with his eyebrows raised "We don't date no rats" he says firmly.

"You wouldn't take out a girl just because she's a biker?" Brady says with a grin. Seacat rolls his eyes

"The tide wouldn't take out a girl just because she's a biker" He replies, making Tanner laugh.

"Don't listen to those guys. It doesn't matter is a girls a surfer, a biker, or even a bookworm" Tanner says. Brady turns and looks at Tanner with mild appreciation

"Well, what do you like?" He asks. Tanner shrugs.

"Well, a girl's gotta have something Special, you know?" Brady nods in agreement

Boys: When you meet a girl you like

You should take, my advice

Tanner: Girls like boys like me


The girls all clambered onto Lela's bed as music began playing. Y/n glances at Mack, who sat next to her by the mirror.

"Another song" she whispers.


Tanner: Take the lead she likes it when you're in control

Brady: let her breathe. Chill out and go with the flow

Tanner: make all the plans

Brady: Don't be impolite

Both: I know what girls, know what girls, yeah I know what girls like

Lines In The Sand {Butchy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now