so.....ab that sequel?

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Hello hello everyone who happens to be interested in this story. I while back, I promised you a sequel. And at the time, I fully intended for there to be one. But things happened shortly after and I became overwhelmed and not in a good place, and thus dropped my motivation for writing completely. I worked on a tiny bit of personal fics, but I lost interest in them and stopped. I havent even posted on my tumblr in months, maybe even a year time gets away from me.

So, I guess the question you all are asking is, Autumn will there be a sequel?

And if I were to give an honest answer, no. No sequel is currently in the works. Not drafted, nothing. Ideas have come to my mind, and I've considered starting it, but it may not happen. And I'm telling you this becuase I dont want any of you vainly hoping for it, only for it never to come.

I have gotten some motivation for writing, and I hope I can get into it again. But at this moment, no sequel. I am deeply sorry for telling you guys in the previous chapter that i would be writing it, and you guys would ask when it was coming and I felt extremely guilty for not even working on it.

Now, that being said, some of you may be sad to hear this news and I'm sorry I really am. I enjoyed writing the first, and i would love to give you a sequel. But here's the thing, while I may not be able to give you an official one, I did see on my page that someone asked if they could write a sequel and credit me. And after some thinking, I figured absolutely. If you want to make a sequel, a fan sequel of how you think the next book would play out, go for it! As long as you credit where you got the original story for, and even tag me so that I may read it! I may not be able to write st the moment, but I would love to read anything you guys want to create.

And who knows, maybe I actually get the motivation to write a sequel and out of the blue I just post the full thing ready for your reading pleasure. But that's future me, and it's not certain. I just don't want tou all waiting for a sequel that may never come.

So at this very moment in time, no sequel. I am sorry.

For an end note I'd like to thank you guys for over 67 thousand reads :,) I may not always be active but I have seen and that means the world to me. I'm so happy so many of you have enjoyed my story and I never in a BILLION years would have thought it would have gotten that many.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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