|Chapter Four|

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The group went outside, Mack claiming that she needed fresh air. Brady sat backwards on a chair, facing Mack, who was pacing. Y/n sat on an open table next to the two.

"Okay, so let me get this straight, Lela and Tanner were supposed to fall into each other's arms, find love, and then are pulled apart by a turf war? That's how the movie is written?"

"Yes" the siblings say at the same time.

"And instead, they fell into you two's arms, and their into you"
Y/n sums up the situation

"So there's no turf war."


"I can't believe we changed the movie!" Mack exclaims. Brady nods in agreement. "Do you think it will affect anything?" She asks nervously

"It affected who they fell for" Y/n says

"Yeah, who knows what else what it could effect" Brady says, panic filling his voice. Mack pushed back her bangs, and leaned closer to Brady

"You said that there's a storm at the end of this movie that we can ride out of her on" she says, no question to her voice.

"Three days after they meet" Brady confirms

"Okay" Mack says, she grabs Brady's arms, and pulls him up with her, and she began to fiddle with his collar nervously "I'm going to ask you something, even though I know, and I know you know, I don't wanna know-"

"What?" Y/n frowns, confused

"-Is there anything that happens in the next few days that could possibly somehow affect that storm?" Mack finishes. Brady, cocks his head, thinking of a scenario. He freezes, looking into Mack's eyes, and nodding quickly, and pulls Mack after him

"See! Didn't want to know" she cries out. Y/n dropped her arms in exasperation.

"See you two later!" She calls after their shrinking forms. "Or not" she mutters, hopping off the table. Y/n ducks inside the restaurant, heading to the drink area. She watches as girls and boys stop and get bottles of pop.

"You want one?" A voice asks. Y/n turns to see Butchy watching her, leaning against a column.

"Kinda, but I don't have any money" She shrugs. Butchy walks up to her, and looks at the menu

"Which one do you want?" He asks.

"Butchy, you don't have to-"

"I know" he says. "But I want to" he smirks. "Which one?"

"(Preferred soda)" Y/n says, cheeks heating. Butchy paid for the soda, and hands her the bottle. "Thanks" she mumbles.

"Don't mention it." He says, and sits on one of the bar stools. He pats the one next to him, signalling for her to sit next to him. She sits cautiously, taking a sip of her drink. "So, you said you were from far away. How far away is far away?" He asks.

"Oh, you know, far away" she says vaguely. Butchy glowered a bit, at not getting a straight answer.

"How long are you staying?"

"We have to go home in three days" she answers. Butchy nods, cocking his head


"Mack, Brady and I" Y/n elaborates. At the mention of her brother, Butchy's face darkened a bit

"Ah. Right. And Brady...is your...?" He asks curiously, which made
Y/n laugh

"Brother. Brady is my big brother" she says

"Oh" he says, expression lightening

"Why do you ask?" Y/n smirks at the biker. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Lines In The Sand {Butchy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now