|Chapter Eight|

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When Y/n woke the next morning, Lela and Mack were already gone. Y/n pushed herself off her pile of blankets, and glanced at some folded clothes on the bed, and a note on top

Dear Y/n,

Here are some clothes you can wear for the day! Mack and I didn't want to wake you, so we'll see you later!


Y/n smiled at Lela's kindness, and pulled on the blue shirt and plaid shorts, and slipped into the pink slip-on shoes. She looked in the mirror, and let out a long sigh. She'd go to the beach and see if Brady was done surfing with Lela, and tell him about her decision. She only hoped that he would understand.


Y/n walked along the beach, searching for her brother. Waves tumbled on shore, and most of the surfers were enjoying the waves and warm sun. She spotted Mack walking with Tanner, and ran over.

"Mack!" She called, running up to her. Mack smiled

"Hey! You finally woke up" she says.

"Yeah. Hey, have you seen Brady?" She asks. Mack shakes her head.

"He was supposed to meet with Lela." She says. They both turn heads when suddenly the large waves stilled, leaving nothing but calming surf.

"What the-" Y/n looks towards the lighthouse in the distance, and back at Mack.

"What just happened?" Mack says.
"No clue" Y/n answers. Mack looks over at Tanner.

"Tanner, I'm going to go find and talk to Brady, but you keep going. I'll catch up"

"Okay" Tanner says, and the girls take off towards Big Mamma's.
Y/n followed Mack, until she heard her name being called. She turned to see Butchy parking his bike he walked over to her, and hugged her. Y/n grins, leaning up to kiss him quickly.

"I came by to pick you up, but you had already left" he says. "You want to grab a soda?" He asks. Y/n went to agree, but turns back to Mack.

"I would, but I've got to talk to Brady about some stuff" Y/n explains. Mack places her hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"It's fine Y/n, go ahead with him. I'll explain to Brady about what just happened" Mack says. Y/n smiled thankfully at Mack, who nodded and turned to continue down the beach. Y/n turned to face Butchy with a grin.

"I'm all yours Hotshot" she says.

"And you weren't before?" He questions, wrapping his arm around her waist and leading her into Big Momma's. "You've already met the girls and Lugnut, but I have yet to introduce you to the rest of the guys" He says. A group of bikers sat at some tables, talking and chatting. Butchy glances at Y/n, before snapping his fingers, and the bikers became alert, and looked at Butchy.

"Fellas, this is my girl Y/n, Y/n that's Eddie, Harley, and Rocket" He indicated the biker guys. They waved at her, and she waved back nervously. Butchy snaps his fingers again, and the biker went back to their conversations. "No need to be nervous Doll" he chuckles, leading her to the bar where Big Momma was cooking. She turns and smiles at the couple.

"What can I get for you two lovebirds?" She asks with a smile.

"Just a couple of sodas for now" Butchy says. "Unless you're hungry" He looks at Y/n.

Lines In The Sand {Butchy x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now