Chapter One

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Reese's POV

- Reese, wake up. A new day is waiting for you.

A voice slowly pulled me out of my sleep. A sweet, happy voice. My mother. I sighed a little unobtrusively and turned on my back.

- Come on, darling. Enjoy the holidays as it best !

I opened my eyes slowly. The natural light blinded me and made me cover my eyes.

- Mom .. Why did you open my shutters? I asked without much conviction. It's early ... It's ...

I looked at my watch and exclaimed:

- It's already 11am? Is it a joke? Oh my god..

- The road was long yesterday darling. It takes time to get from Nashville to Los Angeles!

She smiled at me, gently caressed my cheek and got up from the edge of my bed to leave my room. I watched her, then finally got up from the bed to get dressed.

With my father and mother, we decided to spend our three months of summer vacation in California and leave our beloved Tennessee. We arrived yesterday afternoon in the big villa we had rented, and we went to diner in a nearby restaurant. There, I met a girl of the same age as me, 16, and we had planned to spend the early afternoon on the beach at Venice Beach. Recently arrived, I had already made a new friend. It suited me a little, because it seemed a bit boring to spend the whole summer with my parents. Do not get me wrong, I love my parents ; however, my mom is a bit sticky and my dad is a bit too strict with me.

Looking forward to join Phillis at the beach, I was eager to get ready and go down to join my parents downstairs. I greeted my father, sat down at table, and ate with great appetite the brunch my mother had prepared for the three of us.

Once my stomach was full, I greeted my parents and rushed to take my bike; Venice Beach direction!


Venice Beach is really amazing. I mean, the beach is already great in itself. But add this little shopping street, this outdoor gym and this strange freakshow and you get an inimitable place. It was with stars in my eyes that I observed this place, so different from what I knew in Nashville.

- Enjoy the sun, Reese. It's vitamin D in large quantities! Phillis told me with a big smile.

We were sunbathing on our bath towels, discussing various topics. We laughed, we enjoyed. I was enjoying my first day of vacation.

- Tell me Reese ... started Phillis. Do you like to have fun? But kinda, differently?

- What do you mean by differently? I asked her.

- Well ... There is this thing tonight, a kind of a small concert. But it's not really something touristy ...

- You mean bad, is that it?

- I would not say bad, but it's a place where parents would not like their kids to go.

I smirked at Phillis.

- In this case, just forget. My father will never want me to go there. He is strict with me.

Phillis told me that she understood, but she wanted to go, and she had no one else to accompany her.

- You just have to tell your father that we are going to eat together at the restaurant! she said to me, flippantly.

I nodded but wanted to inform a bit myself about this little party.

- It is not frequent as a place, is it? We do not risk anything I hope?

- No, do not worry, she replied. It's just very special, you'll see.

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