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You know that thing about Melanie Martinez? The drama, yes that's the one. Well, in my story, its nonexistent. If you don't like that then you don't have to read this. Noones forcing you.


On a second note, I thought instead of automatically going to work, I would stop and go check out some art at LittleBodyBigHeart. I wouldn't just be there for the art, my best friend since highschool -Melanie- owns the company.

"Taxi!" I yell
Not too much time later, a taxi came.
"Where to- oh fuck me" he sighed
A smirk rose to my face. "K-kenny! How are you doll?" He ignored my questions and asked again:
"Where to?" He growled. I giggled.
"Is that anyway to talk to a customer? Oh! By the way what did your manager have to say about my report? I bet he wasn't too happy hu-" I was cute off mud sentence by a vicious groan and two hands being wrapped around my throat.
"Now youlisten here you blind bratty son of a bitch-"
I smirked and choked out
"S-son? Did you just assume my g-gender?" As I was talking I pryed his hands off of me got out of the taxi and realized he happened to stop at my destination after walkung around the familiar area. I do a fake gasp.
"Oh would ya look at that! Its my stop thanks K-kenny! Oh and by the way I hope you have a backup job because you won't have this one for much longer. Bye bye now!" I smiled sweetly and walked away briskly towards the entrance,excited to see my best friend whom I haven't seen in almost 2 months.
As I was walking in, I must have been so caught up in seeing Melanie that I didn't hear approaching footsteps.
I squealed as I fell on my back. I heard a thump and a quiet "fuck"
It was then that I realized... My skirt was up. I felt my face heat up as I scrambled to get up and fix my skirt.

Before I fully fixed my skirt I heard a very audible "damnn"
I turned to where I heard the deep silky chocolate voice.
"Shit did I say that out loud? I'm sorry. My name's Josh by the way" There was a pause.

"Not a handshaker I see"
That's when I realized he was trying to shake my hand.

"I'm sorry" I say "I should've known. Can we try again?"

"Uh sure. I'm Josh" this time I knew to shake his hand.
I felt around the air until I found his hand and I rubbed up his wrist then back down to his hand, which I then shook. "I'm sorry i-its just what I do when I meet new people" I admitted

"You... don't just examine them?"
"Yes with my hands" I quickly added in the very important part that I forgot to mention
"Oh! I'm blind."
"Ok. Wow. Um. Was I being offensive, like, at all?"
"Oh no! You're good hun" I smiled.
There was an awkward pause. Before I broke it.

"So are you excited for your soulmate? I mean- shit of course you are right? I know I am. My birthday is actually next week and I'm so stoked!"
He chuckled. That was the most attractive sound I have ever heard.
"Um thanks. And yeah I am excited. And my birthday is next week too! Thats so sick."

"Oh man I said that out loud shit-"
Melanie's voice interrupted me from my mini meltdown.
"Mel!" I squeal as she runs up to me and picks me up without running. "How many times do I have to tell you never-"
"Pick you up without warning I know I'm sorry bub,but I missed you so much!" She says picking me up in another big bear hug.
"Hey Melanie I kinda spilled your coffee" Josh said sheepishly
I felt her set me down after waving him off. "That's okay Josh. I see you've met my boy Tyler. The one I was telling you about. Your twin. Yanno, since you both have the same birthday and whatnot" she rambled.
"Yes I have and you didn't tell me he was so adorable" Josh cooed.
I blushed and 'looked' down.
"Guys stop it I'm not even-"
"Tyler I've only known you for 30 minutes and you're the most adorable thing I've ever seen"
I blushed at Josh's outburst.
"T-thank you Josh" I bow my head again.
"You guysss. Don't get too attached I would hate for you two to fall in love then end up having to move away with your soulmates who, need I remind you, you will meet in 3 days? Next week is your birthday's be cautious my beans." With that she starts to walk away "see you tyguy. Gerard and Frank said hi. Also we need to hang out the day before your birthday so I can give you your last day of being single. Kinda like a bachelor party! Oooh! Josh you can come too. See you later! I'll plan a planning day! Laterr!"

"Bye Josh" I say brightly and shyly at the same time.

"See ya Ty"

Ty. I like that.
Josh. I like that too...

866 words without this a/n. Have I mentioned that I really fucking love blind!tyler? Like omfg fuck me upside down and call me Patricia.

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