19 (Wendy's P.O.V.)

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"So I don't have to deal with Ice Princess?" Natsu grinned, "Aw heck yeah!"

He pointed at the air with my hand in the Fairy Tail symbol.

"Look our Regina Dragona! Fairy Tail is coming for you! And we're gonna make you get us Lucy back!" Natsu yelled.

Some people started getting tears in their eyes and held up their hands too.

Even though Gray was really really mad he looked down, hair covering his eyes and hand in he air. I put on a small smile and did the same.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Ofelia.

"Do you think you could get his," she pointed at Gray, "and the blue-haired water girl and meet me at the street corner?" She asked nervously.

"Um, sure," I responded. She nodded and walked over to the street corner.

I walked over to Gray.

"Hey Gray," I started, he turned, "Ofelia wants you, me, and Juvia to meet her over there," I pointed.

"Would you mind getting her?" I asked.

"Sure," he sighed.

He reached into the crowd, held his hand there for a few seconds then somehow pulled out Juvia.

"Wha... how did you you do that!?" I questioned.

"With her it's just a talent," he answered, sweat dropping.

"Oh my darling Gray is there something you need?" She inquired with heart eyes.

"Ofelia wants to talk to us," I replied, pointing to where she was leaning against the wall.

Gray sighed and Juvia's features icened.

"Let's go then," she said, motioning for me to lead the way.

"Follow me," Ofelia said as soon as we reached her.

Orion, the Thunder Legion, and Levy joined us.

"Do you know what this is all about?" I whispered to Levy as she came into pace with me.

"No clue, I hoped you knew," she whispered back.

We soon arrived at Lucy's old place. Levy's features hardened in an emotion I've never truly seen on her.

Angry hatred.

Orion muttered an incantation and the door clicked open.

"After you guys," Ofelia smiled, taking a step back and motioning us to go inside.

Freed and Bickslow went first, Freed keeping a hand on his sword.

"Hello," a voice said as the door snapped shut. I quietly screamed and hid behind Levy, who was closest. But Levy was hiding behind Gray so...

I turned around to see the Queen walking down the stairs, a new cloak on.

(Imagine this but a larger hood that would cover her eyes (and most of her face))

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(Imagine this but a larger hood that would cover her eyes (and most of her face))

"What do you want?" Levy spat.

"Simply to offer you a place on my team," she smiled.

I looked at her funny.

"My plan is to have my, Orion, Ofelia, Gray, Juvia, and Wendy on my team, but the Thunder Legion is incredibly strong-"

"So why am I here?" Questioned Levy with her arms crossed.

"I want to have at least four backups in case anything happens or we need to change members for events," she replied cooly.

"But that-" Levy starts.

"In line with the rules, it's just said with a bunch of fancy words so people don't feel like dealing with it," The Regina interrupted.

"The Thunder Legion will be my other backups. There are going to be a lot more team and partner events this year," she explains.

"Now go home and rest, you'll want to get your strength up before training starts," she dismisses.

The twins escort us out.

"I'll escort the girls back to Fairy Hills okay 'Rion?" Ofelia states.

"Just be safe," Orion nods and kisses her head.

"We don't need to be- mph!" Evergreen insists.

"I'll be back in a little while okay?" Ofelia interrupts. Orion just nods tiredly, yawns, and goes inside.

"Let's go," Levy coldly says, walking in the direction of Fairy Hills. We all walk in silence.

As soon as we reach the gate, I feel a hand over my mouth and an arm around my torso.

I was suddenly pulled into some bushes and tumbled down a hole.

I heard screams and Evergreen and Levy landed next to me.

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