My new best friend

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??? POV
Yandery chan
Good choice

Yandery chan
Hey (y/n) lets ask each other questions and we answer them unless it is to personal okay

Okay cool you go first

Yandery chan
Where are your parents?

Well.... my dad died a year after i left home which is where i live now i used to live here my mom moved back she is busy she works all over the place. She trust that i can take care of my self but to be honest i think I'm weak you see I'm sick so my mom works to get me the money to keep me healthy so im not to strong..... :(

So  do you like cooking or baking?

Yandery chan
Yeah only for certain occasions or for certain people

So what are you afraid of?

Multiple things losing shadow and feeling small and im scared of dark rooms with no windows and being tied up not able to move umm kidnapped and seeing dead body's

Ummm why were you so closed off?

Yandery chan
I really don't know i guess not really a people person i guess

Oh I understand at my old school i gave up on friends after what happened between me and my best friend:'( i miss him I regret doing what i did our fight everything i realized i could not love or feel like i belong anywhere but i have to move on.

Flash back

You and ??? Were at school this whole time he kept pulling you away from guys who liked you because he liked you which you hated one day he pulled you away and you had enough

You ignored him for a week he finally got the hint and started to try to get you to forgive him but the next week you moved states

Of course he thought that you stopped going to school but in reality you moved he also kept secrets from you to

He also never showed or talked about how he felt why would a best friend do this because they never cared or trusted you with the information

It broke your heart to leave but him doing all that pissed you off not to say anything bad but he stole your first kiss to

He really never got over you in the end and so did you

After telling her the story except the last park you also told her the fun times and moments you guys had

The day you guys meet a older boy took your necklace you dad bought you he held it above his head saying haha you cant get it

Then ??? Walked in and pushed him down giving it back you called him your hero for years he protected you and in return you made him cookies and things like that

Another memory

One day you guys found a hill together it was perfect to see the sunset you used to go their as much as you could to think to talk and to share secrets or stories till the stars come out

Also laid down and looked at the stars the moon everything was perfect the flowers the big tree to sit underneath when it is hot out

Next mommies

You were giving each other gifts you gave him a book full of photos of just you and him of everything they did together and some notes

He gave you a gem your favorite color to it was big his parents are rich but he chose  to get the money himself

You felt bad you got a gift he put so much time into it when yours only took 2 hours you felt like you should of done more

Till this day I still have the gem

Yandery chan
Wow i bet you missed him bad huh

Yes very much well i have to go home bye yandery chan

Yandery chan

( Yandery High School ) yandery old best friend x reader Where stories live. Discover now