SHADOW NOOO!!! And gref

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??? POV
I watched them get to school when they separated i made sure no one was around i covered his mouth and tied his hands together and hung him. I then kicked an punched him wile his mouth had s gag in it it then took a knife and cut him over and over and stabbing him and bashing his head in. I then cut open from his chest to the tip of his pants guts fell out i nailed them up and i looked at my art i was going to write a note but yandery chan ran up.

Yandery chan
We have to go someone called the cops I killed them left no trace and the cops are coming get ride of your tracks fast then clean up

Okay after this i need you to bring her here say that you found a box for her one of your friends told you i put all the evidence to the girl who loves you sempi now we need to hurry

Shadow has not come to see me you felt sad in side you knew he would never skip or turn me does he's never late so you ran around the whole school nothing. You went out side you saw a crowd it was cops you pushed threw to see my love hanging their dead in the worst was possible i screamed crying you fell to my knees the cops tried pulling you back.

He fought back you screamed my love i will join you soon I promise the cops got the idea and one picked you up carring you away. You were full on fighting screaming shadows name people saw and some cried the one person who made you happy snd changed you died they knew you would never be the same again.

A month has past

I have been watching her now she has a guard to keep her from hurting herself again shes going threw s lot of pain how can i be their for her if she never leaves her home.

The next day
You get ready wearing all black you walk in school everyone looks worried soon Jake snd Chase walk up.

Im sorry for your loss

Me to

Leave me alone i don't deserve friends or love and i know why the killer did that now... :,(


Ive been studying about yandery's and about stories i know why they do what they do.......  :,(

Why again

They become obsessed with someone will even kill if i get close to guys but if your gay they go for what sex you are into..... and im into guys and i was dating someone he he killed him......

you were full on crying you ran away them scared to be near you now you walked into a guy he tried helping you up but you get up by yourself. You try walking away but he takes your hand and you try getting free but you are to weak he turns you around and looks up it was that jerk.

I'm sorry for your loss ( not)

You push him to the ground

Stay the fucking hell away from me in fact everyone fucking should i hate all people i cant stand life so everyone stay the fucking hell away!!!!

You walk away

The words she said it hurt i felt tears at the corner of my eyes I slowly went to the forest next to the school i cried soon yandery chan came in and hugged me.

Yandery chan
Its okay we just need a new plan okay

How she hates all people

Yandery chan
In fact you are her old best friend all we need to do is....

HAHA cliffhanger

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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