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It's been a few months since Hobi and I talked and hung out. He did as promised and took me to the doctors. They confirmed my pregnancy and I've been stressed since. I found out the last week of November and now it is the second week of December. Seeing as I was now 4 months pregnant I would have to tell Tae soon. My stomach began showing recently but not a lot. Almost like I'm bloated. The only people that knew were Jin, Miranda, Amber, and Hobi. Since I told him, Jin had been taking care of me. When Jin wasn't taking care of me, Miranda and Amber took over. Miranda and Amber mainly reminded me what I could and couldn't eat and took me to get whatever I was craving. On this day, everyone was busy doing something. Again, we were preparing for the birthday party. This time, Namjoon set up the list and call people, Miranda and Yoongi went out to get things for the party. Amber, Hoseok, and Kookie set up the decorations. Jimin and Tae were preparing for the party. Jin and I prepared the meals for the party. "Don't forget to eat a little bit of soup before the party," Jin said and pat my back. I nodded and set a bowl aside. "Jin, how should I tell Tae?" I asked putting the cake in the oven. "Well, It's starting to become noticeable. You can either just drop it on him or make him figure it out. But I recommend telling him." I chuckle a little. "That's what I'm asking. How should I-" I was cut off by the front door swinging open. "NAMJOON DONT BE ANGRY" Yoongi yells as they walked in. Namjoon walked out of his bedroom, ending a phone call. "What's wrong what happened?" He asked. Miranda shut the door behind her. "While we were out somebody tried to attack Suga and kidnap us!" Everyone within hearing distance's eyes got wide. "Aside from that, nothing happened right? Do you remember what they look like?" Namjoon asked and sat Miranda down. Jin and I sat Yoongi down at the kitchen table. "I'll get him some water," Jin said. I held Yoongi's hand as Jin left. "They tried to just grab her but I stopped them. They got a few hits on me though. It was 3 teenage girls." Yoongi said. I could feel that something wasn't right in his hand. "Yoongi, did you punch them or something." His face began turning a light pink. "Well, they grabbed me up, what was I supposed to do? I didn't know." He mumbled. "I think you broke something. Jin come feel his hand." Jin comes in with the ice cold water and some homemade ice packs. He put his hand on the affected area then agreed. "Here, put on the ice pack." He responded and put the ice pack in his hand and the water on the table. "Thanks, Jin," Yoongi said and Drank his water. We heard a groan emitting from the hallway. It was Jimin walking out of the room. He had just taken a shower and got dressed in the bedroom. "What's wrong?" He asked, seeing everyone surrounded Miranda and Yoongi. Jungkook explained to him what happened. "I think it had something to do with Yu Ji," Hoseok said looking at his phone as he sat next to Miranda. "Why would she-" Namjoon began to ask but Hoseok cut him off. "She made a post about 2 hours ago with the caption, 'Watch your back, You never know who's watching,'" Joon was still confused. "But that doesn't mean it was for them. You know she is an idol and has people who chase and follow her too." Miranda pulled up the messages that were sent to her and showed them to Joon. "This has been going on for months and you haven't told me?" He asked and looked into her eyes a little hurt. "I didn't think anything would actually happen. She ended up with Jin, not you. What did I have to be worried about? It's not my fault she likes you." Miranda said. "These are threats, we need to report her," He groans. "But getting a case and everything is a lengthy process and we're going on tour. Let me find out if someone can help us." He said and picked up his phone again. Miranda grabbed his hand. "Joonie, it's okay. We can handle it another day but today is about Taehyung and Seokjin." Namjoon looked at her for a while and then finally agreed. "It's almost time for the party but tomorrow, we're handling this. I cant afford for anything to happen while we're gone. I love you too much." He said and proceeded back to his room to finish calling people.  A big smile showed on Miranda's face as he walked off. 

~1 hour later~

Most of everything was done for the party. The food was done and the decorations were set. Most of us were dressed but Taehyung was still asleep. Lately, he had been sick with a slight fever. Jokingly, he would blame me because he assumed I was sick. I brought him some Samgyetang and warm tea. Upon hearing me enter the room, he sat up. His hair was a mess and his face was a bit puffy. "Here you go, baby." I said handing him the food and setting the tea on the bedside table. "Why'd you have to get me sick?" He asked and chuckled. I could hear the congestion in his nose. "Who said I was sick? I'm perfectly healthy." I told him and smirked. "That's what you say, but you've been sick and gave it to me." He said and poked m arm. "Well, you knew I was 'sick' and continued to stay with me most of the time, you nut. You know staying with a sick person gets you sick." I laughed. He nodded and ate his food. I reached my hand out and placed it on his forehead. It was warm and he was lightly sweating. "Tae, I can see if we can turn down the heat a bit. I know its cold but you're starting to sweat." He shook his head. "This is good. I'm starting to sweat the cold out." He said and put the food down to sip the tea. I made a little pout face. "Have you eaten already?" He asked. I nodded and told him I've been eating seaweed soup all day. "That's weird. It's good and all but you don't eat it that much. Is it that all you and Jin made?" I shook my head. "Come on Tae, you have to get ready for the party my love." He nodded and got up. "There won't be a lot of alcohol drinking for you at the party either. That would really send us to the hospital." I told him. He chuckled a little and shook his head. "I had no plans on it." We looked in the closet for clothes for him to wear. He chose a nice outfit that fit the party. After getting dressed, he sat on the bed to finish his meal. I sat on the bed behind him to fix his hair. "Tae, I-" I began to tell him but I held back for a moment. Was this the right time? "Yes, Lexii?" "How do you want your hair?" I asked instead. "Just down. No parts" "Got it." I responded and did as he asked. The thought of telling him was floating in my head. It made me really anxious given our current circumstances. We hadn't been dating really long, he and the boys were going on tour, I was still in school and we weren't public. Nor were we really planning to go public this soon. With me being 4 months pregnant while he's leaving, means I would give birth while he's gone. That was definitely something I would not be prepared for. Going to school, grade-wise would be no problem for me. But as for socially, not many people would want to talk to me unless they continuously ask who the father is. Going public about the situation would be just a complicated situation to explain overall. After I finished his hair, I just hugged him from behind, wanting to cry. "Whats wrong babe?" He asked setting his food down again and moving so he could cuddle me a little bit. Before I could tell him, Jungkook came in and told us that people had begun to arrive. I sighed and began to get up to greet people, but Taehyung stopped me and pulled me back in to cuddle. "We can go do that in a minute. Whats wrong baby girl?" My heart fluttered a bit. "Taehyung. I-I'm pregnant." I whispered. I didn't look at him because I was afraid of his reaction. "You're joking right?" I shook my head. "That's what you've been worried about? That's great news baby. How far along are you?" He asked and kissed my forehead, squeezing my side lightly. "4 months." He got silent. He realized the baby would be due sooner than he expected. "Don't worry about that Lexii. I promise we'll get things figured out. Just make sure that you call us while we're gone, please. And keep us updated. They'll be happy about the news. Have you already found out the gender?" I shook my head. "We'll go see before I go. Wow. You're really not kidding me right?" I shook my head again. "Ahh It's okay, I promise Love. We'll talk later. I wish we could lay here and talk about it." Taehyung sighs and giggles. "Come on. We have to go out there and be more social. Okay?" He said and kissed me. I nodded and we went out. I could tell he felt better emotionally through the night. He held me by his side and made sure I was okay as I did the same for him. My worries lessened the longer I stayed with him. I realized that I really loved him this night. There was no reason I should not put my trust in him when he was so passionate about us. 

A/N: Okay so I planned to update yesterday but I was busy reading the BTS Outcast thing and SevenScheme (Which is coming back omg) so I have it set to update every Friday and I'm determined. Especially after I graduate because I don't have much to do except move. Soooo please anticipate this story. I promise I will get better ♥

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