Chapter 6: It all ends on Skype

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                I log onto my laptop on the close by end table and sign into my Skype account, instantly I get a call from my little brothers. “Jaz!” The three of them all yell at once, “So, how is St. Louis going?” Carlos asks,

                “Great! You’ll never believe what happened today,” I smile with an eager face.

                “Good or bad news?” Jake asks,

                “Well…hmm I guess a little bit of both, bad news I sprained my ankle, goodish badish news…doesn’t make sense but the people that did it is none other than John Cena and Randy Orton!” I exclaim, Michael kept pushing his hand in front of the webcam “Michael knock it off your distracting me!” I complain, he glares at me before Carlos pushes him to the side.

                “Jaz, I know you are studying to be a lawyer and all, while making up stories to get away with things are good for that, I wouldn’t suggest using that excuse in court no one will believe you.” Carlos winks at me playfully,

                “Why would I use that as an excuse?” I question, lifting my eyebrow

                “Hello you are in denial!” Carlos yells, “You need to take a deep breath and repeat after me…Hi, my name is Jazmine Vaca and I am….a complete klutz.” He laughs, the boys high-five praising Carlos’ cleverness.

                “Hardy har har, not funny.” I state sticking my tongue out at them,

                “Pft you know I’m funnier” Carlos winks cocky like, I narrow my eyes and he knows he is pushing his luck. “So… what happened?” He changes the subject,

                “OH!” I smile, letting it go this time to tell my exciting story!

                “So did you?” Carlos asks after I finish my story,

                “Did I what?” I ask completely confused,

                “Did you end up making him laugh that day?” Jake asks, looking up from his old school Gameboy advance for only a split second.

                “Erm…well…no…” I awkwardly say, rubbing the back of my neck.

                “So in his eyes you are two things, one not funny and two a liar” Carlos says with a chuckle, my jaw drops.

                “Excuse me! I am hilarious first off and second off he is one tough cookie to crack!” I exclaim, then relax quickly taking a deep breath “besides I doubt you could make him laugh” I smirk, as Carlos grabs his heart.

                “That hurt, sis…” He smiles, “You know I could, when he comes over one day sign on and give us a call I’ll get him laughing.”

                “Whatever, tell mom I love her and I love you guys…except you Carlos!” I smile before continuing, “Smackdown is about to start, so I’ll talk with you guys tomorrow?” I ask reaching for my remote, I brace myself on the end table using my other hand to reach over as far as it will go just finger tips from it.

                “Yeah, see you then…what are you doing?” Michael asks,

                “Trying to get this stupid remote, darn my tiny arms!” I scream, putting a little more weight to the side so I can reach it.

                “Don’t fall off,” Michael says with concern,

                “Shut up Michael, fall!” Carlos yells, “That would be fucking hilarious!” He laughs; I look back and see them all laughing I flip off the camera before turning back to the remote I just barely touch it and it flies off the table onto the floor batteries scattering everywhere.

                “No!!” I cry, as I watch them fall it almost seems like it happened in slow motion. The boys laugh harder, I give them my devil stare before slamming the laptop shut. “Meaners.” I huff before looking back at my remote its ‘guts’ everywhere.

                The clock switches to seven o’clock, and my heart sinks tears literally fill my eyes as I stare at my blank tv. “Do you know the enemy, Do you know your enemy, gotta know the enemy wah hey” I lightly sing the theme song music to myself, knowing that’s what is happening right now. I hear a noise, and then footsteps in my house, my heart starts to race, “Whose there?” I yell, then mentally kick myself wow way to be the stupid white girl in the scary movies that die first. Well they know I’m here now might as well try to scare them off, “I have gun and no problems with actually pulling the trigger!” I yell, as the footsteps get closer and closer. “I’m serious!” I yell again, my bedroom doors handle starts to twist slowly I hear the door creaking open while my heart is about to fly out of my chest… 

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